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Ganesh Chaturthi Story in English

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Ganesh Chaturthi Story

‘Ganesh Chaturthi’ or ‘Ganesh Chauth’ is celebrated on Chaturthi of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month. Ganesh Chaturthi is widely celebrated with great pomp throughout India. By fasting on this day, Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat Katha or the story of Ganesh Chaturthi is heard. Ganesh Chaturthi Story Vighna Vinayak Shri Ganesh ji has the highest position among the gods. Shri Ganesha is the first to be worshiped among the gods and is the god of intelligence. Ganesh ji’s vehicle is a rat and Ganesh ji’s vehicle is a rat. Wives are Riddhi and Siddhi. His favorite enjoyment is Modak.

Ganesh Chaturthi Story

According to the legend, once Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati were sitting on the banks of the Narmada river. Mother Parvati asked Lord Shiva to play Chaupad there. Lord Shiva also agreed to play this game. But it was not clear who would decide the victory or defeat in this game, so Lord Shiva gathered some straws and made an effigy and gave it life. As soon as he died, that effigy became a child. The same child had to decide the game.

Now Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati have started playing Chaupad. The game of Chaupar was played thrice. Mother Parvati won every time, but the child created by Lord Shiva declared victory to Lord Shiva. Hearing this, Mother Parvati became very angry and in anger she cursed the child to become lame and remain lying in the mud.

The boy apologized to Mother Parvati a lot. When the child repeatedly asked for forgiveness, Mother Parvati told the child that a snake girl will come here to worship Ganesh, as per her orders, you should observe the fast of Lord Shri Ganesha with full devotion. With the effect of this fast you will be freed from this curse.

Nagkanya came to that place after one year. Then the boy asked the snake girls about the rules and regulations for fasting for Ganpati Bappa. As per his advice, the child observed Bappa’s fast till 21 Chaturthi. Ganapati Bappa was very pleased to see the devotion of the child and asked the child to ask for the desired boon. Then the child said to Siddhivinayak, ‘O Lord, give me so much strength that I can walk with my feet and go to Mount Kailash with my parents. Then Bappa said Amen.

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After saying Tahastu to Lord Shri Ganesha, the child reached Kailash Mountain with his parents. There he told Lord Shiva the whole story of his recovery. After listening to the boy, Lord Shiva also observed a fast for 21 Chaturthi to please Mother Parvati. Mother Parvati was also pleased with the effect of fasting. After this, Lord Shiva told Mother Parvati the full glory of this fast. After hearing this, Mother Parvati had a strong desire to meet her eldest son Kartik.

Then Mata Parvati also observed a fast on 21 Chaturthi. Due to the effect of this fast, Lord Kartikeya himself came to meet Mother Parvati. Since then this fast became famous in the world and it was considered as a fast to fulfill every wish. It is said that if a person fasts on 21st Chaturthi with full devotion, then Bappa fulfills his every wish.

Moral story:- Ganapati Dev can be pleased through Ganesh Chaturthi fasting story. By fasting them with a true heart, wishes are fulfilled soon.

Ganesh Chaturthi Story with Pictures

Ganesh Chaturthi Story

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