Unseen Poem for Class 10 English Question Answers

We have brought you Unseen Poem for Class 10 English question and answers MCQ which will be very useful for you. So you solve it and speed up your question-solving speed so that you can solve more and more questions in the exam.

Unseen Poem for Class 10

Students should study hard to strengthen their studies so that they can get good marks in the Examination. Keeping all these things in mind, we have come up with Questions and Answers on English Unseen Poem for Class 10 children which will help them.

Unseen Poem for Class 10 – Poem 1

I DREAMED that as I wandered by the way
Bare winter suddenly was changed to Spring,
And gentle odours led my steps astray,
Mix’d with a sound of waters murmuring
Along with a shelving bank of turf, which lay5
Under a corpse, and hardly dared to fling
Its green arms round the bosom of the stream,
But kissed it and then fled, as Thou mightest in the dream.

There grew pied wind-flowers and violets.
Daisies, that pearled Arcturi of the earth,
The constellated flower that never sets;
Faint oxlips; tender bluebells, at whose birth
The sod scarce heaved; and that tall flower that wets
Like a child, half in tenderness and mirth
Its mother’s face with heaven-collected tears.
When the low wind, its playmate’s voice, it hears.
And in the warm hedge grew lush eglantine,
Green cow-bind and the moonlight-coloured May,
And cherry-blossoms, and white cups, whose wine
Was the bright dew yet drained not by the day;

And wild roses, and ivy serpentine
With its dark buds and leaves, wandering astray;
And flowers azure, black, and streaked with gold,
Fairer than any waken’ eyes behold.
And nearer to the river’s trembling edge
There grew broad flag-flowers, purple pranked with white,
And starry river buds among the sedge,
And floating water-lilies, broad and bright,
Which lit the oak that overhung the hedge
With moonlight beams of their own watery light;

And bulrushes, and reeds of such deep green
As soothed the dazzled eye with sober sheen.
I thought that of these visionary flowers
I made a nosegay, bound in such a way
That the same hues, which in their natural bowers
Were mingled or opposed, the like array
Kept these imprisoned children of the Hours
Within my hand, and then, elate and gay,
I hastened to the spot whence I had come
That I might their present it O! to Whom?

…P.B. Shelley

Questions and Answers – Poem 1

  1. What the poet saw growing along the banks were ___________.

(i) a variety of flowers
(ii) a variety of cows
(iii) his fair eyes awakened
(iv) a dazzling of sunshin

  1. The poet had dreamt that ___________.

(i) bare summer had given way to spring
(ii) spring suddenly changed to winter
(iii) summer and winter were together
(iv) bare winter had changed to spring

  1. The poet imagined that ___________.

(i) kept the flowers as a gift
(ii) made the flowers into a nosegay
(iii) the flowers present themselves
(iv) the flowers were opposed to one another

  1. The poet had wandered in his dream ___________.

(i) on to a bank of turf
(ii) under the river
(iii) under a copse round the bosom of the stream
(iv) into a dream

Unseen Poem for Class 10 MCQ – Poem 2

A pilgrim, going a lone highway
Came at evening, cold and grey
To a chasm, deep and vast and wide.
The old man crossed in the twilight dim.
The chasm held no fear for him.
But he paused when he reached the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.
Old man” said a fellow pilgrim near,
“Why waste your time in building here? ‘
Your journey ends with the close of day
You never again will pass this way.
You have crossed the chasm deep and wide
Why build ye here at eventide ?”
The pilgrim raised his old gray head
“My friend in the path I’ve come,” he said
“There followeth after me today
A fair-haired youth who must pass this way.
The chasm which held no fears for me
To the fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.
He too must cross in the twilight dim.
My friend, I am building this bridge for him.”

Questions and Answers – Poem 2

  1. What is the significance of the poem?
  2. What answer does the old pilgrim give to the fellow pilgrim’s question?
  3. What do the three persons mentioned in the poem stand for?
  4. What did the old man do the other side of the chasm? Why?


  1. Ans. The poet wishes to give the message that like the old pilgrim one must serve humanity selflessly. This is where true nobility and beauty of character lies. The experienced must help and protect the inexperienced ones.
  2. Ans. The old pilgrim says that the fair-haired, inexperienced youth who was following him may find the chasm fearful. It may be a pitfall for him. The old man was building a bridge to help and protect him.
  3. Ans. The old pilgrim stands for the selfless man, the fellow pilgrim for the selfish man and the fair-haired youth for the callow, inexperienced youth respectively.
  4. Ans. The old man built a bridge to span the tide.

Unseen Poem for Class 10 ICSE – Poem 3

The Mirror – Sylvia Plath

This poem is not a riddle, speaking with the voice of some mysterious “I” until the end, where the reader is shocked to find out that it’s a mirror, and not a person speaking. Instead, the poem lets us know from the start that we’re hearing from a mirror, with its title, “Mirror,” and its first line, “I am silver and exact.”

The first stanza describes the mirror, which seems to be like one of those people who doesn’t tell white lies – it’s truthful and exact, but not cruel. As the first stanza personifies the mirror, showing us some of its human characteristics, we also find out a little about the mirror’s life. Most of the time, it reflects a pink speckled wall, which could be found in any bathroom, but it also sees a lot of faces, and a lot of darkness.

Jump into the second stanza, and the stakes have changed. The mirror is no longer a mirror, but a lake, which also shows reflections. And we get to see a whole new character: a woman. We saw faces in the first stanza, but now we focus on one face in particular.

This woman, we find out, isn’t very happy with her reflection in the lake, so she tries to find a kinder reflection under the light of a candle or the moon. When the lake reflects her faithfully anyway, she cries and gets upset.

In the last two lines of this poem, we see why this woman is so upset: in her watery reflection, her past is drowning, and a horrible future is rising to meet her.

Questions and Answers – Poem 3

Reference to the Context Questions

I am silver and exact. I have no preconception _____ just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.

  1. Who is “I” in the above passage?
  2. Why does it claim to have no preconception?
  3. Why has it been described as “unmisted”? What is the image it is trying to convey about its nature?


  1. Ans. In the above passage, “I” is the mirror
  2. Ans. The mirror can rightly claim to have no preconception because it gives the exact reflection of the object before it.
  3. Ans. A misted mirror cannot give the exact image of the object before it and the mirror is not affected by love or dislike or any other human emotions. It gives a proper and exact image, and it is trying to convey that its nature is not biased or prejudiced.

Unseen Poem for Class 10 NCERT – Poem 4

Oh, sweet content, that turns the labourer’s sweat
To tears of joy, and shines the roughest face;
How often have I sought you high and low
And found you still in some lone quiet place;
Here, in my room, when full of happy dreams,
With no life heard beyond that merry sound
Of moths that on my lighted ceiling kiss
Their shadows as they dance and dance around;
Or in a garden, on a summer’s night,
When I have seen the dark and solemn air
Blink with the blind bats’ wings, and heaven’s bright face
Twitch with the stars that shine in thousands there.

Questions and Answers – Poem 4

  1. What is ‘Sweet Content’, according to the poet?
  2. What does the poet mean by ‘no life heard’?
  3. Why, do you think, has the poet mentioned the labourer?
  4. What message does the poet give us in this poem?


  1. Ans. The hard labour that the labourer does is the sweet content that makes him sweat.
  2. Ans. The poet means that no sound from living creatures is heard.
  3. Ans. The poet gives us the message to seek contentment in lonely quiet places and amidst natural sights.
  4. Ans. The poet has mentioned the labourer because a labourer’s life is difficult and it is only contentment with his lot that can bring him happiness.

Unseen Poem for Class 10 in English – Poem 5

O silent goblet! Red from head to heel,
How did you feel
When you were being twirled
Upon the potter’s wheel
Before the potter gave you to the world ?
‘I felt a conscious impulse in my clay
To break away
From the Great Potter’s hand that
burned so warm,
I felt a vast
Feeling of sorrow to be cast
Into my present form’.
‘Before that fatal hour
That saw me captive on the potter’s wheel
And cast into his crimson goblet-sleep
I used to feel
The fragrant friendship of a little flower
Whose root was in my bosom buried deep.’
The Potter has drawn out the living
breath of me
And given me a form which is the
death of me,
My past unshapely natural stage was best
With just one flower flaming through my breast’.
…..Harindranath Chattopadhyaya

Questions and Answers pdf – Poem 5

  1. Which life does the goblet like, its present life or past life ? Why ?
  2. Who do you think is T in the expression “I felt a conscious impulse in my clay?
    (A) the potter
    (B) the goblet
    (C) the potter’s hand
    (D) the potter’s wheel
  3. What was the feeling of the goblet when it was being twirled upon the potter wheel?
  4. The phrase,’fragrant friendship’is used to suggest that
    (A) the pleasant relationship between the goblet and the flower.
    (B) the unpleasant relationship between the goblet and the flower.
    (C) the pleasant relationship between the goblet and the potter.
    (D) the unpleasant relationship between the goblet and the potter.
  5. When the poet uses the expression, ‘burned so warm’, what are the feelingr of the poet towards the goblet ?


  1. Ans.The goblet likes its past life of clay as it has life. It is natural state. It enjoys the fragrant friendship of a flower in its natural state.
  2. Ans. (B) the goblet
  3. Ans. It felt sorrowful.
  4. Ans. (A) the pleasant relationship between the goblet and the flower.
  5. Ans. t felt sorrowful.
  6. Ans. The poet has tender feelings towards the goblet. He sympathizes with the goblet’s present form.

Unseen Poem for Class 10 with answers – Poem 6

Robin sang so sweetly
When the days were bright.
“Thanks to God for summer days!”
He sang with all his might.
Robin sang so sweetly
In the autumn days:
“There is fruit for everyone;
Let us all give praise!”
In the wintry weather
Still we heard his song.
“Some little bird must sing,” he said,
“Or winter will seem too long.”
When the spring came back again
He sang, “I told you so!
Keep on singing through the winter:
It will always go.”

Questions and Answers – Poem 6

  1. According to Robin when will the winter seem short?
  2. When does Robin sing with all his might?
    a) in autumn
    b) in winter
    c) in spring
    d) in summer
  3. What comes after winter? What did Robin suggest to do through the winter?
  4. How does Robin sing?
    a) politely
    b) happily
    c) sweetly
    d) sadly
  5. What did Robin sing in the autumn?


  1. Ans. According to the Robin the winter will seem short when some bird will sing.
  2. Ans.d) in summer
  3. Ans. After winter the spring comes. Robin suggested to keep on singing through the winter.
  4. Ans.c) sweetly
  5. Ans. Robin sang that there is fruit for everyone, all should praise it.

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Unseen Poem for Class 10 CBSE

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