Unseen Passage for Class 11 English Question Answers

We have brought you Unseen Passage for Class 11 English question and answers MCQ which will be very useful for you. So you solve it and speed up your question-solving speed so that you can solve more and more questions in the exam.

Unseen Passage for Class 11

Students coming to class 11 should study hard to strengthen their studies so that they can get good marks in the Examination. Keeping all these things in mind, we have come up with Questions and Answers on English Unseen Passage for Class 11 children which will help them.

Unseen Passage for Class 11 – Passage 1

Srinivasa Ramanujan was one of the world’s greatest mathematical geniuses. Being born in a poor Brahmin family, he did not reveal his hidden talent. He was born in Erode, Coimbatore in 1887. His father was an accountant for a textile merchant who had to support a large family on a small income. When Srinivas stood first in the entire Tanjore district in the primary school examination, he was given half exemption in fees.

Ramanujan was of a calm and dreamy nature since childhood. He had answers to all the questions that puzzled his classmates and the figures of his superiors did not worry him, no calculation was too difficult for him. Things that were completely dark and confused to his classmates were as clear as daylight to him.

When he was in the second class, his curiosity was aroused on the topic of “highest truth” in mathematics. Later, when he moved to third class, he asked mathematics problems of higher nature. While in the fourth grade, he could solve the most difficult trigonometry problems. He derived Euler’s theorems and proved them. He followed Carr’s summary of pure mathematics. He solved all the problems without the help of any other book. For him, each solution was a victory that encouraged him to try a new one.

Questions and Answers – Passage 1

Carefully read the questions from the and answer them.

  1. He was of a _________ from his childhood.
    (a) quiet temprament
    (b) angry temprament
    (c) quiet and dreamy temperament
    (d) none of these
  2. Write the word from the passage which is opposite to:- Lower
  3. Write the word from the passage which means:- help
  4. What did Ramanujan do in the second class?
    (a) He obtained Euler’s Theorems
    (b) He followed Carr’s synopsis
    (c) He roused the subject of the “Highest Truth
    (d) None of these
  5. What was the nature of Ramanujan with his classmates and seniors?
  6. How did Ramanujan show his talent in Third Standard?
  7. What was the attitude of Ramanujan towards the mathematical problems?


  1. (c) quiet and dreamy temperament
  2. Opposite to “Lower”: higher
  3. Word meaning “help”: aid
  4. (c) He roused the subject of the “Highest Truth”
  5. The nature of Ramanujan with his classmates and seniors was not worrying about difficult calculations.
  6. When he moved into the third standard, he asked for problems of Mathematics of a higher nature.
  7. Ramanujan approached mathematical problems with an attitude of triumph, using each solution as encouragement for a fresh endeavour.

Class 11 – Passage 2

  1. Most students find it difficult to deal with subjects that are different from their field or with which they are comfortable. Therefore one needs to develop interest for even the most obscure and boring subject on this planet. To be successful in RC one must be able to understand. And one can be successful even with average speed if one applies the strategies.
  2. Broadly speaking, RC pathways can be classified into a few categories. Fact based RC is the simplest form of RC. These types of paragraphs contain a lot of information in the form of names, numbers, etc. These types of paragraphs should be read very quickly.
  3. Do not try to memorize any facts, numbers or names etc. In fact there is no need to remember them. Simply familiarize yourself with the structure of the passage. Just look at what the author is talking about in which paragraph. Mark it. Then when you go to the questions, identify in which paragraph the information related to that question is given. Go to that paragraph, read the numbers, names etc. and mark the answer.
  4. Estimate based RC is the most difficult form of RC. It is quite difficult to understand the path here. It contains articles on topics such as religion, spirituality, philosophy etc. Most students will be comfortable attempting these paragraphs at least in RC. The reading speed in such paragraphs is quite slow. The way to master these types of paragraphs is to read them repeatedly while practicing.
  5. Topic based RC contains paragraphs on a particular topic like economics, astrology, medical science etc. What usually makes these paragraphs difficult is the use of technical terms. If a topic is new to us the presence of technical terms scares us, even if they are defined in the passage. To be successful in these types of passages, we need to have a deep understanding of the definition of the word, if it is defined in the passage. Read that definition twice if you need to. But don’t worry about technical terms if they aren’t defined in the paragraph. Treat them as non-existent and move on. The main principle in these paragraphs is not to move to the next line until the previous line is clear.
  6. Reading the passage first and then reading the questions is the most popular strategy for RC. While answering the question you can come back to the passage to find the answer because you have read the passage from the beginning and not memorized it. But you shouldn’t have to come back for every question. If you come back for most of the questions then you have not read the passage properly. The key to the success of this strategy is that you must understand the passage thoroughly. We would suggest students to follow and work on this technique from the very beginning.
  7. Reading the questions first and then the passage is a strategy adopted by some students. They only look at questions, not options. The aim is that when you read the passage after looking at the questions, read carefully only the part where the answer is given. The drawback is that you will not be able to remember all the questions. Furthermore, this strategy fails when there are questions that require understanding the passage.

Questions and Answers – Passage 2

Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate option:

  1. Careful reading of the passage is essential for ……………………….
    (a) answering difficult questions
    (b) saving time and effort
    (c) proper understanding and answering correctly
    (d) selective identification of relevant parts
  2. The word ‘diverse’ in para 2 means ……………………….
    (a) similar
    (b) same
    (c) variety
    (d) different
  3. Most students find Reading Comprehension difficult because ……………………….
    (a) the language is tough
    (b) the vocabulary is difficult
    (c) the style is too involved
    (d) the topics are unrelated to their interest
    Fact based RC is the easiest because ……………………….
    (a) it is written in simple language
    (b) there are no allusions
    (c) it contains information
    (d) it can be memorised easily
  4. For answering a question on RC, one should ……………………….
    (a) memorise the facts, figures, etc.
    (b) mark what the author is talking about in the para
    (c) mark the essential details of the passage
    (d) remember the names, numbers, etc.
  5. Topic based RC is tough as ……………………….
    (a) it contains technical terms
    (b) it is based on different topics
    (c) it demands instant understanding
    (d) one can’t read them fast enough

B. Answer the following questions in brief:

  1. What should one do for finding the right answers?
  2. Why is topic based R C tough?
  3. What is the most popular strategy for solving Reading Comprehension(RC)?
  4. Find the words similar in the meaning from passage.
    (a) Different (para 2)
    (b) Accept as true (para 6)
  5. Which step is considered more essential for finding right answers? Why?


  1. (a) it contains technical terms
  2. (c) proper understanding and answering correctly
  3. (d) the topics are unrelated to their interest
  4. (c) it contains information
  5. (b) mark what the author is talking about in the para
  6. (d) different
  7. One should mark what the author is talking about in para.
  8. Topic based R C is tough as it contains technical terms.
  9. Reading passage first and then question is the most popular strategy for solving R C.
  10. (a) Diverse
    • (b) Assume
  11. Careful reading of the passage is essential for proper understanding and answering correctly.

Class 11 in English – Passage 3

In this way we all have a role to play in making India great. Our country can soon emerge as a major developed country, provided we all resolve to create employment. We are devoting all our energy and keeping the interests of the country in mind. Don’t think that this will happen through the efforts of any one person, we all have to work together.

If you are a politician, you can rise above your own and the party’s interests. You should make policies and laws that are conducive to development. If you are a clerk in a government department, you can work more efficiently in handling any new project. If you become instrumental in creating the feeling that the government works quickly and justly. You have created the necessary conditions for a developed country.

If you’re a factory worker, you can work to increase your productivity a little more and focus on quality. If you’re a contractor, commit to spending money to improve some part of your city. If you are a teacher, constantly upgrade your knowledge and skills to encourage children to think big. In short, every professional can participate at his level to make India developed.

Questions and Answers – Passage 3

  1. How can India emerge as a major developed country?
  2. How can a politician contribute?
  3. What should be the duty of a clerk?
  4. What can a teacher do?
  5. Can development be possible with a single effort?
  6. What can be done by a contractor for the development of our country?
  7. Write one word from the passage for the following.
    • (a) One who is trained in any occupation.
    • (b) Ability to produce something.


  1. Ans. India can emerge as a major developed country if everyone vows to contribute by doing their jobs efficiently, using their energies, and keeping the nation’s interests in mind while working together.
  2. Ans. A politician can contribute by rising above personal and party interests, framing policies conducive to development, and enacting laws that support progress.
  3. Ans3. The duty of a clerk is to work efficiently in clearing new projects and become an instrument in creating a perception that the government works speedily and justly.
  4. Ans.A teacher can contribute by constantly upgrading their knowledge and skills to inspire children to think big.
  5. Ans. No, development cannot be possible with a single person’s effort; everyone has to work together.
  6. Ans. A contractor can contribute to the country’s development by spending on improvements in their town.
  7. Ans. (a) Professional (b) Productivity

Class 11 – Passage 4

Every day is an opportunity to invest in life. An opportunity to renew yourself, to shed yesterday’s skin, to free yourself from yesterday’s pain. Find happiness in every day of life because it gives you the opportunity to work, love, play and see the sun. And then when the sun sets don’t cry, the tears will remind you of the beauty of the stars. Life goes on, and if you don’t stop and look at the miracles that already exist in your life, you will miss out on life altogether.

Think big thoughts but enjoy the small joys that life gives you every day. Maybe it’s as simple as smiling at someone. Because that could be the last day of your or someone else’s life.

A small, honest act on your part may cost you nothing, but it could mean everything to someone that day. Life is a sequence of moments. live the moment. There is no romance in life without risk. All operations involve a certain amount of risk, it may be more or less, but the element of risk is always present.

If there is no wind, form a row. Make things happen instead of letting them happen. You can’t give anything without giving yourself, without taking risks. The most important thing in life is not what you get, but what you give.

Once a preacher went to the house of a very poor family. When he left, he found a son praising his new car, so the preacher explained that he had received it as a gift from his brother. Most people would say, “I wish I had a brother like that,” but this one said, “Lord, I wish I had a brother like that.”

If you’re not enjoying the journey, you definitely won’t be able to enjoy the destination. This will become a time to fear, not a time you can really look forward to. What happens doesn’t determine our future, it’s what you do with what happens that matters.

Conquer the mind and you will conquer the world. Looking back causes the neck muscles to become tense. Similarly, living in the past makes your life stressful. Don’t dwell on the past. Believe in yourself and you will believe in others too. Fulfill your destiny. Remember, no one can hurt you without your consent.

How you face life makes a difference. Even peace of mind is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to deal with it. You have to get closer to other people. It will teach you to forgive people and forgive yourself too. Forgiveness means leaving the past behind. Compassion is about coming out of yourself. A kind and compassionate act often has its own reward. Live your life like a tree without any complaints.

Questions and Answers – Passage 4

  1. Question (a) What is meant by make things happen?
    (i) Take initiative, take risks, start things.
    (ii) If you are in a boat, you must row.
    (iii) Give whatever you wish to give.
    (iv) Do not try to get things.
  2. Question (b) A small genuine act (para 5) could mean
    (i) an act of kindness and love
    (ii) a heroic act
    (iii) a good piece of acting
    (iv) a short scene in a play
  3. Question (c) Why should we be glad of each day?
    (i) Because we are more mature each new day.
    (ii) Because we have more energy.
    (iii) Because we are free of yesterday.
    (iv) Because we can live life, work and enjoy each new day.
  4. Question (d) Romance in para 5 means
    (i) a love affair
    (ii) charm
    (iii) an imaginative temperament
    (iv) danger
  5. Question (e) We should not dwell on the past because
    (i) we should learn from our mistakes in the past
    (ii) the past does not allow us to progress
    (iii) our mistakes and failures in the past can depress us
    (iv) the past will never come back
  6. Question (f) Succession in para 5 means
    (i) achievement
    (ii) inheritance
    (iii) happiness
    (iv) series


  1. Answer: (iv) Do not try to get things.
  2. Answer: (i) an act of kindness and love
  3. Answer: (iv) Because we can live life, work and enjoy each new day.
  4. Answer: (ii) charm
  5. Answer: (ii) our mistakes and failures in the past can depress us
  6. Answer: (iv) series

Class 11 NCERT – Passage 5

A major aspect of conservation of wildlife species is the protection of their natural habitats. Once the home where wildlife can survive and reproduce is lost, saving the species becomes a difficult task. Restoring habitat across large areas is extremely expensive and nearly impossible, especially for species that require large spaces. It could be cheetahs, tigers, elephants, rhinos, lion-tailed macaques, whales or sea turtles, for some species the picture remains the same, they require vast contiguous spaces.

India is now at a critical juncture when the priority is to achieve the highest levels of economic growth. To achieve this economic aspiration, we have ignored that saving natural habitats is an imperative rather than a luxury. Words like ‘sustainable development’, ‘sustainable use’ have become mere phrases. Laws which were the cornerstone of conservation have been weakened under the pretext that they need to be ‘development-friendly’. Perpetrators responsible for the loss of wildlife habitats are rarely brought to justice.

Worldwide, another aspect of species extinction is the direct destruction of species for trade or consumption. With growing human population and increasing prosperity, the demand for body parts or meat of some wildlife species is increasing. This must be reduced through a combination of law enforcement and education.

Questions and Answers – Passage 5

  1. Q.What is impact on wildlife on reduction of natural habitats?
  2. Q.Why is natural habitat conservation have increasingly become difficult in India?
  3. Q.What is the major factor in extinction of specifies globally, as per author?

Class 11 – Passage 6

India is a great country with a rich heritage where doing one’s duty has been preached and practiced since the Vedic times. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna emphasizes on performing duties in Karma Yoga. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his commentary on Gita has said: “It is our duty to do work but not to expect results from it. Expectation of results causes bondage. Therefore, work should be done without desiring the result, but it should not be prohibited. The former leads to salvation and the latter to sin, i.e. karma should be performed as a duty without attachment.

This philosophy of Karma Yoga was carried forward when Niti Shastras were written. In Kautilya’s Arthashastra, non-performance of duties was made punishable under law. Kautilya advocated a civilized society and particularly emphasized the concept of neighbourhood. For example, one of the duties for which he created laws was: “No one shall interfere in the affairs of a neighbor without just cause. However, it is everyone’s duty to rush to the help of a neighbor in distress.

Questions and Answers – Passage 6

  1. Q.What was punishable under the law in Arthashastra?
    (A) Performance of duties
    (B) Non-performance of duties
    (C) Expectation of reward
    (D) Salvation
  2. Q.How should action be performed?
    (A) Fruit should be sought.
    (B) Fruit should be forsaken
    (C) Fruit should not be sought
    (D) None of these
  3. Q.What leads us to our salvation?
    (A) Expectation
    (B) Bandage
    (C) Fruit
    (D) Action
  4. Q.Which word in the passage is the synonym of ‘redemption”:
    (A) Bondage
    (B) Preached
    (C) Forsaken
    (D) Salvation
  5. Q.How can you say that India is great?
  6. Q.Which human tendency of the citizens does the author criticize?
  7. Q.Find the antonym word in the passage of ‘Liberty’.
  8. Q.Who had advocated the performance of duty?
  9. Q.What is “Arthashastra’?


  1. Ans.(B) Non-performance of duties
  2. Ans.(C) Fruit should not be sought
  3. Ans.(D) Action
  4. Ans.(D) Salvation
  5. Ans.India is great because it has emphasised on duties since Vedic Times, Lord Krishna has talked about in Bhagwat Geeta, along with this, the famous Gangadhar Tilak has also told the glory of karma.
  6. Ans.Bhagwat Gita emphasizes the performance of duty without seeking the fruit or reward thereof. It stresses acting without attachment to the outcomes.
  7. Ans.bondage
  8. Ans.Lord Krishna in the Bhagwat Geeta advocated the performance of duty and Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his commentary on the Geeta.
  9. Ans.“Arthashastra” is a book written by Kautilya on statecraft, economics, and military strategy.

Class 11 with MCQ – Passage 7

Being fat isn’t a good thing, but that hasn’t stopped the obesity epidemic from spreading among young Americans. Childhood obesity increased from 5% in 1964 to approximately 13% in 1994. Today it is about 20%, and rising. Children spend an average of five to six hours per day engaged in sedentary activities such as watching TV, using computers, and playing video games, which partly accounts for this rising rate. Perhaps it wouldn’t matter if they were active enough at other times, but most of them are not.

To make matters worse, children are being bombarded with television commercials from fast food chains and other providers of high-fat, high-sugar foods and snacks. These highly effective advertising campaigns, combined with physically inactive lifestyles, have created a generation of children who are at higher risk for medical conditions associated with obesity.

The main health threat is early development (adult onset) of type 2 diabetes, especially in children with a family history of the disease. Doctors say the number of young teens developing type 2 diabetes is increasing, which can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, stroke, amputation and blindness. People who develop diabetes in adolescence face reduced quality of life and shorter life expectancy, especially if the disease progresses without treatment. It’s a scary prospect for our children, but in many cases, obesity and diabetes can be prevented.

When children spend most of their free time sitting in front of TV and computers, they are not able to run outside, jump or participate in team sports, which keeps them from losing weight. Parents should set limits on the time their children spend in passive activities. Pediatricians recommend limiting children’s sitting in front of a TV and computer to an hour or two a day, although older children may need additional time for learning activities.

Parental involvement remains the most important key to a healthy diet for our children. Programs to educate parents about nutrition are necessary. Fast food should be eaten only in limited quantities. Caregivers, who are often busy and in a hurry, should avoid the temptation to take their children to fast food restaurants or buy fast food for dinner at home. Changing eating habits and lifestyle is not easy, but the benefits to our children’s health are a wonderful reward for parents willing to do the work.

Questions and Answers – Passage 7

  1. Question: One of the major reasons behind obesity among children is …………..
    (a) studying
    (b) playing indoor games
    (c) their sedentary lifestyle
    (d) eating fast foods
  2. Question: Early development of type 2 diabetes is normally found in children with
    (a) sedentary lifestyles
    (b) strict parents
    (c) voracious appetites
    (d) a family history of the disease
  3. Question: The most important factor to improve our children’s diet is ………….
    (a) parental involvement
    (b) not watching TV advertisements
    (c) not having fast foods
    (d) All of these
  4. Question: Adolescents who develop diabetes may have ….……… if not treated promptly.
    (a) poor quality of life
    (b) reduced span of life
    (c) Both (a) and(b)
    (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
  5. Question: The word ………… in para 1 means ‘inactive’.
    (a) watching
    (b) sedentary
    (c) escalating
    (d) sitting
  6. Question: The word ……….. in para 3 means ‘ to become smaller or weaker’.
    (a) untreated
    (b) shortened
    (c) meagre
    (d) diminished


  1. Ans.(c) their sedentary lifestyle
  2. Ans.(d) a family history of the disease
  3. Ans.(a) parental involvement
  4. Ans.(c) Both (a) and(b)
  5. Ans.(b) sedentary
  6. Ans.(d) diminished

Class 11 – Passage 8

The Mastermind Quiz is presented as a “battle of the brains”. This battle is fought in two parts. In the first, each of the four participants faces a barrage of questions for two minutes, on any topic of their choice. Questions in the second round are of general knowledge. There are two marks for each correct answer and zero marks for wrong answer and pass. In case of a tie, the one who passes fewer questions wins.
The questions may be strange, but they are answered nonetheless. “It absolutely amazes you that these people know so much. In KBC it used to be that this guy knows very little,” says Basu after the show. Siddharth Basu was the director of Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC).
This year’s Mastermind final was won by Ramanand Janardan, a 22-year-old software engineer from Pune. Janardhanan had Agatha Christie’s ‘Tommy and Tuppence’ novels as his specialist subject. He also knew that Tommy used asafoetida to create foul smell in his room.
Of course, there are all kinds of quizzes. The diary-toting, manorial yearbook, variety using the form will usually be prepared for a competition by ‘studying’. He knows that the best questions, the ones called ‘wow-wow’, are always the ones that get repeated. He’s a solid quizzer, because he knows the obvious.
There is another type, like Janardhan, who claims that they do not do anything extra to prepare for the quiz. They read magazines, watch TV, and become quizzers because they enjoy testing their memorization.
This was a test that the nation took when KBC fever was at its peak. But long before KBC, there were quiz societies across the country from Guwahati to Gandhinagar. Kolkata was the center of sports; Quizzing in India started in 1967. Even now, most of the quizzers are from Kolkata. Two of the four Mastermind finalists of 2002 were from that city.
Quizzing is a big thing in school and college festivals. This is the ‘literary’ attraction of all festivals. There are even professional quizzes, who, like mercenaries, play for money and the thrill of the game. They represent different organizations at different times.
Most quizzers develop from active quizzing after college. Some, indeed die-hard devotees of the game, continue to do so. “I never get tired of doing quizzes,” says Mastermind finalist Pinaki Prasad Roy. “I get excited.” Roy is a 46-year-old finance professional from Kolkata, and has been quizzing for three decades.
Curiosity is the most essential quality for a quiz. A great memory and help in instant recall. And at least for the mastermind, choosing a specialist topic is important. In this year’s event, Janardhan had taken an unassailable lead in the specialist round itself.

Questions and Answers – Passage 8

  1. The participants in the quiz seem ‘masterminds’ because……………………….
    (a) they seem to know so little
    (b) they have very polished manner
    (c) they show lot of self confidence
    (d) they seem to know so much
  2. Ramanand Janardhana won as……………………….
    (a) he had mastery over the specialist topic
    (b) he had gone through the quiz columns in magazines
    (c) he had chinks in his memory/recall
    (d) he knew all the often repeated questions asked by quizmasters
  3. The Mastermind quiz is called a ‘battle of minds’ because……………………….
    (a) it is a duel of wits
    (b) the participants are the most intelligent persons
    (c) the participants face a shower of questions
    (d) the mind is on the anvil
  4. The studious quizzers are called ‘solid’ quizzers because……………………….
    (a) they prepare expected questions
    (b) they know the obvious
    (c) they bank on general awareness
    (d) they enjoy the test of recall
  5. The word ‘mercenaries’ in para 7 means.………………………
    (a) those who seek mercy
    (b) those who work on machines
    (c) those who are lively and quick
    (d) those who fight for money
  6. The quality most essential for a quizzer is……………………….
    (a) love of learning
    (b) mathematical accuracy
    (c) curiosity to know
    (d) comprehensive learning

B. Answer the following questions in brief:

  1. Find the words from the passage which are similar in meaning to these words.
    (a) Those who fight for money (para 7)
    (b) Enthusiasts (para 8)
  2. Why did Ramanand Janardhana win mastermind final?
  3. Who are called solid quizzers? Why?
  4. Which is the most essential quality of a quizzer?
  5. How is Kolkata associated with quizzing game?


  1. Ans.(d) they seem to know so much .
  2. Ans.(a) he had mastery over the specialist topic
  3. Ans.(c) the participants face a shower of questions
  4. Ans.(b) they know the obvious
  5. Ans.(d) those who fight for money
  6. Ans.(c) curiosity to know

B. Answer the following questions in brief:

  1. (a) Mercenaries
    (b) Devotees
  2. He had mastery over the specialist topic which blessed him with victory.
  3. The studious quizzers are called solid quizzers they know the obvious.
  4. The quizzer should have curiosity to know.
  5. Quizzing in India began in Kolkata in 1967. Even now the majority of the quizzers are from Kolkata.

Class 11 with Answers – Passage 9

Traveling is a bug that was inside me since I was born, perhaps I inherited it from my father. In twenty years of extensive travel in India, what has fascinated me the most are the small islands that lie in the Bay of Bengal off the east coast of India. Yes, I am talking about Andaman Islands. The Andaman Islands seemed haunted, gloomy and almost frightening with scary images until my parents came back from a trip to Port Blair and told us about these tranquil islands. We wait for the first opportunity to take a quick break and check them out.

Finally, D-Day arrived and we were all ready. We boarded the plane and to our surprise there were many vacant seats. On enquiry, we learned that all supplies for Andaman, including newspapers and meat, come from the mainland, so there is always a surplus of goods and a shortage of people.

Port Blair Airport is a small, old airport which was built in 1947. On the way to the hotel I noticed that there were none of the usual auto rickshaws that ply through most Indian cities. There was only one traffic light in the entire city and the roads had more undulations than grades. All this was surprising for someone like me who has lived in the coastal cities of Chennai and Mumbai.

The color of the sea was absolutely blue, such a color he had not seen on any beach in India. It was peaceful and beautiful. I was very happy that we were going to spend the whole ten days there. We just had to sit in the open restaurant, look at the sea, enjoy the cool breeze and feel good.

The Andaman Islands are a group of several islands, so most of our sightseeing was by boat. There are a total of more than 356 islands. Even Ratnam, the oldest sailor, had seen only 200 of them. I thought maybe ten days wouldn’t be enough to get a complete picture of this place, so I started collecting every sight, every sound, and every smell. The sound and light show in the prison sent shivers down my spine. (This visit was before the film ‘Kaalapani’ was released.) Realizing that the people who fought for our freedom lived, fought, suffered and even died here left an impact.

Questions and Answers – Passage 9 

  1. Question: The synonym of ‘sinister’ in the second paragraph is……………
    (a) threatening
    (b) left side
    (c) benign
    (d) good
  2. Question: One thing that left a major impact on the author was……………
    (a) the serenity of the place
    (b) the wholesome experience
    (c) vastness of the islands
    (d) the realisation that freedom fighters had lived, struggled and died there
  3. Question: What kind of a passage is this?
    (a) Fiction
    (b) Travelogue
    (c) Persuasive
    (d) Biography
  4. Question: Why was the author interested in taking a trip to Andaman Islands?
    (a) It had a haunted, bleak and scary image.
    (b) As his parents had recently taken a trip there.
    (c) He loved travelling.
    (d) He was largely fascinated by what his parents told him about the islands.
  5. Question: Why was the author surprised when he reached Port Blair?
    (a) The airport was very small.
    (b) There was only one traffic signal in the entire town.
    (c) The roads were more ups and downs than level.
    (d) All of the above
  6. Question: What is the meaning of the phrase ‘sent a shiver down my spine’?
    (a) Feel very frightened
    (b) Feel very excited
    (c) Feel very relaxed
    (d) None of these


  1. Ans.(a) threatening
  2. Ans.(d) the realisation that freedom fighters had lived, struggled and died there
  3. Ans.(b) Travelogue
  4. Ans.(d) He was largely fascinated by what his parents told him about the islands.
  5. Ans.(d) All of the above
  6. Ans.(a) Feel very frightened

Class 11 – Passage 10

Delhi tried a lot, but it was not enough. Before D-Day the sound of firecrackers could not be heard. This had been difficult to achieve due to the Supreme Court ban on its sale, but many people, including school children, had decided to break tradition for the sake of clean air. And by 7 pm on Diwali, most of the neighborhoods were quiet. Around this time, the first sound of bursting of firecrackers was heard, which gradually turned into a loud noise. But it was nowhere near the attack of the past, not even half of it. And long before midnight, it was all over.

Bad news came early in the morning. It was clearly a foggy morning. According to real-time monitoring data from the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), air pollution levels peaked on Diwali night and remained dangerously high till Friday afternoon.

However, CPCB pointed to a ray of hope. He said that despite the bad weather, this year’s Air Quality Index (AQI) was better than the last two years’ Diwali. Last year on Diwali (October 30, 2016), the city’s average AQI was in the “severe” category at 426, while a year earlier (November 11, 2015) it was in the “very poor” category. At 327. This time it came down slightly to 326.

From wind speed and direction to burning of crop stubble in neighboring states, there are so many factors that affect air quality, that it is difficult to definitively identify the main culprit. However, it must be acknowledged that at least most people are willing to stick with decisions that seem unpleasant for a better quality of life.

However, the data is troubling informed observers, especially the sharp rise in the levels of PM 2.5 (respirable fine particulate matter pollutant) and PM 10 (coarse particulate matter pollutant) after 10 pm on Thursday night. The temperature in Delhi reached 656 micrograms per cubic meter around midnight.

However, the data also shows that despite adverse weather conditions, the air quality on Diwali this year was better than last year. The two days before Diwali were not that good due to entry of humid air from the south-east as well as calm wind conditions. According to the CPCB, the average mixing height (the height at which smoke or air rises, mixes and spreads) on October 18 and 19 was recorded at 547 meters and 481 meters respectively. For correct spread it should be at least 1000 meters.

Questions and Answers – Passage 10

  1. Question: The ‘bad news’ that broke at dawn was that
    (i) there was smog in the sky.
    (ii) the air pollution levels were dangerously high.
    (iii) CPCB released real time figures that were alarming.
    (iv) All of the above.
  2. Question: There will be no air pollution if
    (i) school children do not burst crackers on Diwali.
    (ii) there is a strong wind on Diwali night.
    (iii) if the motor vehicles do not run on Diwali.
    (iv) None of the above.
  3. Question: ‘Crescendo’ in para 1 means
    (i) to happen successfully
    (ii) an increase in intensity
    (iii) better quality of life
    (iv) metrological conditions
  4. Question: In the run-up to D-Day, the sound of firecrackers had not been heard because the
    (i) Supreme Court banned the sales of firecrackers.
    (ii) children resolved to back tradition for clean air.
    (iii) neighbourhoods did not like the sound of firecrackers.
    (iv) children were afraid of the sound of firecrackers.
  5. Question: Unpalatable in para 4 means
    (i) 6,000 metres for proper dispersal
    (ii) feeling happy
    (iii) dispersal
    (iv) not pleasant
  6. Question: The AQI levels after Diwali this year were
    (i) the same as in other years.
    (ii) higher than other years.
    (iii) lower than other years.
    (iv) could not be ascertained.


  1. Ans: (iv) All the above
  2. Ans: (iv) None of the above.
  3. Ans: (ii) an increase in intensity
  4. Ans: (i) the Supreme Court banned the sales of firecrackers
  5. Ans: (iv) not pleasant
  6. Ans: (iii) lower than other years

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