We have brought you Unseen Passage for Class 9 English question and answers MCQ which will be very useful for you. So you solve it and speed up your question-solving speed so that you can solve more and more questions in the exam.

Students coming to class 9 should study hard to strengthen their studies so that they can get good marks in the Examination. Keeping all these things in mind, we have come up with Questions and Answers on English Unseen Passage for Class 9 children which will help them.
- 1 Unseen Passage for Class 9 – Passage 1
- 1.1 Class 9 with Answers – Passage 2
- 1.2 Class 9 pdf – Passage 3
- 1.3 Class 9 Worksheet – Passage 4
- 1.4 Class 9 Explain – Passage 5
- 1.5 Class 9 – Passage 6
- 1.6 Class 9 in English – Passage 7
- 1.7 Class 9 UP Board – Passage 8
- 1.8 Class 9 WBBSE– Passage 9
- 1.9 Class 9 ICSE – Passage 10
- 1.10 Class 9 MCQ – Passage 11
- 2 Unseen Passage For Class 9 pdf Download
Unseen Passage for Class 9 – Passage 1
Be careful with your words, Bobby. Your grandmother is right. Because, no matter what else you do, you will always be using words. All day long, and every day, words matter. Even if you live in a barrel and don’t talk to anyone but yourself, words matter. Because words are instruments of thought, and you will often find that you are thinking wrong because you are using the wrong tools, like trying to make a hole with a screw-driver, or knocking out a cork with a coal hammer. trying. Are…
The power and joy of words endure, and can be enjoyed by all men. They do not have the privilege of wealth or intelligence or expensive education, and they do not perish suddenly like last year’s motor-car or fox-trot. They do not have a monopoly on writers, literature lovers or lawyers. Every business and every profession is governed by words.
Like the English language, there is a right to criticize on every subject. And so we can hope that the same officials who urge you to acquire ‘air-mentality’ and street-sense and cleanliness-awareness’ and ‘civic-sense’ will sometimes ask you to think about your words. We will also ask you to respect us. And cherish the language. The race that you are using, changing, enriching or harming, every hour of every day.
Questions and Answers – Passage 1
- What can be enjoyed by all men?
- Of what aren’t the words privilege?
- What does matter all day and every day?
- For what are the words?
- What will happen if we use wrong tools?
- Of whose monopoly aren’t the words?
- What does belong to every subject?
- Find words from the passage which mean
(a) a group of letters that expresses a meaning
(b) the system of communication in speech and writing. - Whose grandmother is right? .
- What will be urged to you by the authorities?
- The power and pleasure of words can be enjoyed by all men.
- The words aren’t the privilege of wealth or intellect or costly education.
- Words matter all day and everyday.
- Words are for thought.
- If we use wrong tools, our thinking will be bad.
- Words aren’t the monopoly of writers, lovers of literature or lawyers.
- The right of criticism belongs to every subject.
- (a) word
(b) language - Bobby’s grandmother is right.
- You will be urged for air-mindedness and road sense and hygiene awareness and civic-spirit.
Class 9 with Answers – Passage 2
The beginning of this fun-filled season with the sun hidden behind the gray clouds brings joy to many of us who are eagerly waiting for the rains. Of course, not everything about rain is glamorous. Especially when you think about the endless traffic jams, bad roads full of potholes, untreated garbage and water-borne diseases. Apart from this, viral infections like cold and cough also make their presence felt.
Most of the infectious diseases that occur during the rainy season can be prevented simply by regular hand washing. By washing hands regularly with water and soap, we can avoid respiratory and diarrhea related diseases.
Children have low immunity levels and hence hand washing becomes an important part of their lifestyle. While playing, especially during the monsoon season, children are exposed to germs and may unknowingly get infected by touching their nose, eyes or mouth.
The Food and Drug Administration says human influenza viruses can survive on surfaces for up to eight hours, putting people at risk for infection every time they touch a contaminated surface. Therefore, it is important to wash hands frequently.
To make the best of the rainy season, we should follow some simple guidelines. First of all, if we decide to get wet in the rain, we should change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Additionally, we should stay away from raw foods and wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use.
Furthermore, strict kitchen hygiene must be maintained to enjoy one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Moreover, to keep the rainy season hassle-free, one should prefer fresh home-cooked food over fast food sold in the market.
Questions and Answers – Passage 2
- After getting wet in rain we should put on dry clothes ____________
(a) as late as possible
(b) whenever we like to
(c) as early as possible
(d) when we fall sick - People wait for the rains since they can ____________ in it.
(a) splash
(b) have potholed roads
(c) spate of waterborne diseases
(d) endless traffic jams - Besides maintaining kitchen hygiene, we should _________________ so as to keep us disease free in the rainy season.
(a) avoid raw fruits
(b) enjoy raw fruits
(c) avoid vegetables
(d) consume more fruits and vegetables - The word in the passage which means the same as’ prone and vulnerable ‘is ____________.
(a) dotted
(b) hygiene
(c) susceptible
(d) influenza - The passage suggests that small children should wash their hands _____________ ____________ in the rainy season since they have lower immunity.
(b) rarely
(c) after every meal
(d) before every meal
Class 9 pdf – Passage 3
So You Want to be a Cartoonist
What the author struggles to convey through multiple newspaper columns, the cartoon manages to convey in one clear one-liner. No wonder the first thing most of us like to see when we pick up a newspaper are cartoons. Although it may seem simple, drawing cartoons is an art that requires a combination of hard work, training, and a good sense of humor.
Cartoonists say that the cartoons that make us laugh the most are actually the cartoons that are hardest to draw. Even R.K. Like even famous cartoonists. Laxman admits that making cartoons is not an easy task. Laxman says he had to wait for more than six hours, which included spending a lot of time scanning newspapers and television channels, before arriving at any idea.
So how does one become a cartoonist? Who among us has the talent to make it? How can we master ticklish strokes and witty one-liners? How can we make people smile or laugh? There are very few colleges or schools for cartoonists. Most cartoonists come from art colleges, while some learn the art on their own.
Most established cartoonists believe that no institute can teach you how to draw cartoons. “In institutions you can learn crafts, learn to draw and paint, but no one can teach anyone to draw a good cartoon.” Navbharat Times cartoonist Uday Shankar says.
While the basics like drawing and sketching can be learned in an art college, and are important skills, they alone will not make someone a good cartoonist. Because it is a question of one’s creativity and sense of humor; Two qualities that no one can have. Established cartoonists advise that just because you can sketch, don’t assume you will become a cartoonist.
Questions and Answers – Passage 3
- Which of these words BEST describes this passage?
(i) humorous
(ii) technical
(iii) challenging
(iv) informative - Of the many qualities that cartoonists should have, which of the following is not referred to directly but can be inferred from the passage?
(i) knowledge of current
(ii) knowledge of educational technologies. institutions.
(iii) knowledge of news and
(iv) knowledge of different current affairs. languages. - “Don’t take it for granted that you will become a cartoonist.” Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the sentence.
(i) Don’t assume that you will
(ii) Don’t hope that you will become a cartoonist. become a cartoonist.
(iii) Don’t believe that you will
(iv) Don’t imagine that you will become a cartoonist. become a cartoonist. - What, according to Laxman, is the challenge in creating a good cartoon?
(i) waiting for the right thought
(ii) browsing newspapers to emerge. and television.
(iii) getting the right kind of
(iv) good drawing and sketching training. skills. - According to the passage, which group of people is of the opinion that one cannot learn to make a cartoon in institutions?
(i) many struggling writers.
(ii) highly creative artists.
(iii) well-respected cartoonist.
(iv) all newspaper editors.
Class 9 Worksheet – Passage 4
Read the given passage carefully and choose the best answer from the given alternatives:
Nepal is located between India and Tibet, amidst the Himalayan Mountains. The world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest, is in Nepal, and there are several mountains almost equally tall there. When climbers try to climb Mount Everest, they seek the help of Sherpas, the strong and courageous people who live in these mountains, to carry the heavy load and act as guides.
Long ago, the Sherpas crossed the mountains from Tibet and made their home on the southern slopes of the Himalayas in Nepal.
Some Sherpa families have three houses, one house in the lower hills, one a little higher and one a little higher. The houses are in small village groups of about forty or fifty. There are cultivated fields around each group of houses, usually in the shape of terraces just above the hills. Sherpas grow potatoes in the highest fields; In the low-lying fields they grow barley; and turnips, garlic and other vegetables in the lower part.
They graze their yaks on higher mountain slopes in summer and on lower slopes in winter. Yaks are very hardy, large cattle with thick, hairy black-brown coats and long horns. Sherpas use them for almost everything they need.
They ride them, plow with them and use them to carry their belongings. Clothes are made from the hairy wool of these animals, and leather shoes and tents are made from their skins. Yaks also provide milk, fat and meat. Their dung is dried and used as fuel instead of wood or coal.
Questions and Answers – Passage 4
- These things Sherpas do not grow on the lower fields :
(a) potatoes
(b) turnip and garlic
(c) other vegetables
(d) barley. - Sherpas are not known for :
(a) their strength and hardness
(b) for cunningness
(c) their carrying heavy loads
(d) acting as guides. - Where do the Sherpas have their houses?
(a) on the lower hills
(b) on a little higher
(c) another a little higher up
(d) all the three above. - What are the things for which yaks are not used?
(a) for sports
(b) wool of these animals is made into cloth
(c) their skins into leather boots and tents
(d) to carry their goods. - What is the situation in Nepal?
(a) between Mount Everest and Tibet
(b) between Tibet and India
(c) between Tibet and Himalayas
(d) between Tibet and Mount Everest
Class 9 Explain – Passage 5
The Ghost of Christmas Present, a majestic man with a youthful face, leads Scrooge to see sights that will change his heart forever. They reach a ship where the captain, with a happy smile, wishes his crew a Merry Christmas and sends them off to celebrate the holidays.
Scrooge faces an apparent contradiction between the captain’s warmth and his miserly behavior toward his loyal employee Bob Cratchit. The Ghost shows Scrooge the simple home of the Cratchit family, where they are preparing a simple but joyful Christmas feast. Despite their meager means, the Cratchits spread love and happiness.
Scrooge’s heart melts when he sets eyes on Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit’s crippled son. Despite his physical challenges, the boy’s courageous spirit deeply impressed Scrooge. He noticed that the Cratchit family had raised their concerns about Scrooge’s health, even though they had shown him little pity. Scrooge realizes the true value of love, compassion, and the joy of giving, which he had ignored for a long time.
Questions and Answers – Passage 5
- Who took Scrooge to witness scenes that changed his heart?
A. The Ghost of Christmas Present
B. Bob Cratchit
C. The ship’s captain
D. Tiny Tim
Answer: A) The Ghost of Christmas Present.
- What did the ship’s captain wish his crew?
A. Happy New Year
B. Merry Christmas
C. Goodbye
D. Bon voyage
Answer: B) Merry Christmas.
- How did Scrooge feel about the captain’s warmth towards his crew?
A. Angry
B. Happy
C. Indifferent
D. Sad
Answer: C) Indifferent.
- What was the contrast between the captain’s behavior and Scrooge’s demeanor towards Bob Cratchit?
A. The captain was generous, while Scrooge was miserly.
B. The captain was miserly, while Scrooge was generous.
C. Both were generous.
D. Both were miserly.
Answer: A) The captain was generous, while Scrooge was miserly.
- What was the Cratchit family preparing for on Christmas?
A. A grand feast
B. A trip
C. A party
D. A simple yet joyful feast
Answer: D) A simple yet joyful feast.
- Who touched Scrooge deeply with his courageous spirit?
A. The Ghost of Christmas Present
B. Bob Cratchit
C. The ship’s captain
D. Tiny Tim
Answer: D) Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit’s crippled son.
- How did the Cratchit family toast to Scrooge?
A. They didn’t toast to him.
B. They wished him ill.
C. They raised their glasses in a toast to his health.
D. They ignored him.
Answer: C) They raised their glasses in a toast to his health.
- What did Scrooge realize about the true value of?
A. Money
B. Power
C. Love, compassion, and the joy of giving
D. Success
Answer: C) Love, compassion, and the joy of giving.
- What had Scrooge neglected for a long time?
A. His work
B. His health
C. His friendships
D. Love, compassion, and the joy of giving
Answer: D) Love, compassion, and the joy of giving.
- What changed Scrooge’s heart?
A. Meeting Tiny Tim
B. Receiving a gift from the captain
C. Attending a party
D. Witnessing scenes shown by the Ghost of Christmas Present
Answer: C) Sorrowful.
Questions:- 2
- What did Scrooge realize as he watched the Cratchit family raise their glasses in a toast to his health?
- What contrast did Scrooge notice between the captain and himself?
- What were the Cratchits doing in their humble home?
- Who whisked Scrooge away to witness scenes that would change his heart?
- Who is Tiny Tim, and how did he affect Scrooge?
- Ans. As Scrooge watched the Cratchit family raise their glasses in a toast to his health, he realized the true value of love, compassion, and the joy of giving, which he had long neglected.
- Ans. Scrooge noticed a stark contrast between the captain’s warmth and his own miserly demeanor towards Bob Cratchit, his loyal employee.
- Ans. The Cratchits were preparing for a simple yet joyful Christmas feast in their humble home.
- Ans. The Ghost of Christmas Present whisked Scrooge away to witness scenes that would forever change his heart.
- Ans. Tiny Tim is Bob Cratchit’s crippled son, and his courageous spirit despite his physical challenges touched Scrooge deeply.
Class 9 – Passage 6
The most distinctive feature of spiders is their ability to make silk threads. Spiders usually have six finger-sized silk glands, called spinnerets, located on the underside of their abdomens. To weave the web, the spider draws silk from two small holes in its body.
Liquid silk is thicker than water and dries into fine threads as soon as it comes in contact with air. Spider silk is stronger than steel and resists breakage due to its elasticity. It can grow up to 140 percent of its original length.
The diameter of these silk threads is approximately 10,000 inches. Spiders use this silk to make webs to catch their prey. The egg sacs of some spiders are also made of silk which provides pre-treatment to the unborn offspring. Sometimes the spider may also use its silk as a protective measure.
A special species of spider ‘Phedipus apachenax’ draws a safety line of fine silk while jumping. If he misses his aim he uses the silk line to recover. ‘Nephilus spider’ silk is the strongest natural fiber known.
The spinning of a spider’s web is a remarkable example of instinctive behavior. The spider does not need to learn to weave a web, although web weaving can be adapted to specific circumstances. For example, ‘Orb’ networks are circular in shape and take an hour to build.
Funnel spiders weave a web-like entrance into their homes, which helps capture food. Similarly, trapdoor spiders dig their homes and spin trapdoors with their silk to catch insects. As integral components of our biosphere, spiders have intrinsic survival value.
They are efficient predators that play an important role in controlling cotton pests. They are also a source of food for other creatures such as birds and wasps. Therefore, the presence of spiders is an ecological indicator that indicates the health of the natural ecosystem.
Questions and Answers – Passage 6
- Choose words from paragraph which means, ‘essential’.
(i) unique
(ii) integral
(iii) progeny
(iv) indicator - The silk of __________ is the strongest natural fibre known.
(i) funnel spiders
(ii) Naphils spider
(iii) spider silk
(iv) None of the above - Why are spiders important for birds and wasps?
(i) they are the source of food for them
(ii) spiders spin a net-like entrance to their homes
(iii) the spiders can use its silk as a safety feature
(iv) None of the above - What important role do spiders play as a predator?
(i) their silk is used to make webs to trap prey
(ii) their silk pretreats the unborn progeny
(iii) play an important role in controlling pests of cotton
(iv) spiders spin a net-like entrance to their homes
- Ans. integral
- Ans. Naphils spider
- Ans. they are the source of food for them
- Ans. play an important role in controlling pests of cotton
Class 9 in English – Passage 7
- There are three major effects of watching TV violence: Children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, they may become more fearful of the world around them, and they may be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways. There may be a possibility. There may be more possibilities. Other. Parents can limit the impact of violence by watching TV together and discussing violence with the child.
Talk about why the violence happened and how painful it is. They can ask the child if lesser conflicts can be resolved without violence and explain to the child how violence in an entertainment program is actually “fake.” Parents should ban violent videos. Encourage your child to watch shows with characters who cooperate, help, and care for each other. The positive impact of these programs has been seen on children.
- Television programming is all about showing reality without censorship, which means child viewership is filled with shows depicting physical and sexual violence as well as the use of illegal substances and harsh language. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics,
“Extensive research evidence indicates that media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed.”
Statistics show that some cartoons contain an average of twenty violent acts an hour, and by the age of eighteen children may have seen 16,000 simulated murders and 200,000 violent acts on television. Young people are particularly at risk for the negative effects of television violence because “many young children cannot distinguish between what they see and what is real.
- Read to your children instead of watching television. Children’s stories written by thoughtful authors portray conflict in a more realistic and creative way. The best TV teachers are entertaining as well as informative, and they’re also child-centered in a way that expands the horizons of young minds.
- Watching these programs provides the right encouragement to children to acquire knowledge through indirect play method. The love for learning and assimilation of such knowledge is awakened and the child begins to understand the exploratory thrill of the knowledge track, where he becomes like a racing car driver who keeps track of the knowledge through his speedometer of knowledge acquisition. Drives the vehicle at high speed. becomes.
Questions and Answers – Passage 7
1.1 Read the given questions and write the answer in about 30-40 words:
(a) what traits can children imbibe by watching violence on the TV ?
(b) How can parents limit the effects of viewing violence on TV ?
(c) What is the statistical finding about cartoon content ?
(d) What alternative practices can parents follow and what will be its outcome ?
1.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following:
(a) Media violence, according to an American Paediatrics Academy says, can contribute to:
- nightmares
- desensitization to violence
- aggressive behavior
- all of the above
(b) Watching child- centered programmes:
- become uninteresting for children
- provide the right stimulus to acquire knowledge
- are not encouraged much by parents
- are not entertaining stimulus to acquire knowledge
1.1 (a) Children may become insensitive to others’ suffering, after viewing scenes of people in distress They may become fearful of the world around them or may begin to behave aggressively and harmfully towards others.
(b) If parents sit along with their children and watch TV, they can limit violence viewing of their children on TV. Alternatively, they can talk why the violence happened, its painful effects and how conflicts can be solved without resorting to violence.
(c) Statistics has shown that some cartoons have average 20 acts of violence, in an hour, and by age 18, children are exposed to 16,000 acts of simulated murders and 200,000 acts of violence on their TV screens.
(d) Parents could read to their children instead of viewing televisions. on TV they could view entertaining and informative programmes. The effect of such viewing is that children will be set on the path of self-exploration and knowledge gaining at their own place.
1.2 (a) 4. all of the above.
(b) 2. provide the right stimulus to acquire knowledge.
Class 9 UP Board – Passage 8
Atithi Devo Bhavah
New Delhi: Atithi Devo Bhava. To welcome the tourists visiting the city during the Commonwealth Games, India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) is ready to train taxi and auto drivers, CISF personnel deployed at monuments, dhaba owners, hotel staff etc. The participants will be taught English as well as English. Etiquette and ways of communicating with tourists. Currently, there is a shortage of trained guides in the city and with the Commonwealth Games approaching, this issue needs to be addressed immediately.
With hundreds of historical sites to visit and each monument having its own unique history, foreign nationals are often left to fend for themselves and rely on tourist books and brochures for information. Language is another problem. This is in sharp contrast to the facilities offered at tourist sites in Western countries, where trained guides – proficient in multiple languages – are readily available to assist visitors, in addition to group-guided tours at regular intervals.
Although the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is planning to start audio guide services in five languages at some world heritage sites, experts say there is not a single monument or tourist spot in the city with an interpretation center where tourists can visit. And can get all the related information. At a particular site.
ASI is also in the process of bringing out more brochures and guides for foreign visitors to the city. Experts say such facilities are important if the government wants to promote Delhi as a ‘heritage city’. Various agencies like INTACH are also involved in the schemes.
Under ITDC’s plans, etiquette training for the games will also be provided to residents who give rooms to foreigners under the Delhi government’s bed and breakfast scheme. “Homeowners will be provided hospitality training and exposure to the Indian tourism landscape.
Most tourists usually ask their hosts about information about the city, so they will be provided with information about the Golden Triangle- Delhi, Agra and Jaipur as well as where tourists should visit in Delhi ,” said an officer.
Questions and Answers – Passage 8
Read the questions given below and write the option you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet.
- How have the western countries managed to offer aid and better facilities to their tourists?
(i) by providing good tourist books and brochures.
(ii) by providing well-behaved and courteous guides.
(iii) by training guides in several languages and group-guided trips at regular intervals.
(iv) by allowing foreign nationals to fend for themselves. - Apart from the guides and the guided tours, Archeological Survey of India has expressed the need for establishing _____________ at historical sites to help tourists.
(i) interpretation centres. (ii) rehabilitation centres.
(iii) cessation centres. (iv) training centres. - __________ are to be provided to residents who offer rooms to foreigners under ITDC’s plan.
(i) comfortable stay, friendly and hospitable treatment
(ii) etiquette training, hospitality treatment
(iii) better tourist guides and interpretation centres
(iv) visits to the golden triangle cities. - What are the initiatives to be taken up by the India Tourism Development Corporation to make the visitors feel welcome during the Commonwealth Games?
(i) training of drivers, CISF personals, dhaba owners and hotel staff.
(ii) promoting the sale of tourist books and brochures.
(iii) arranging audio cassettes and tapes on tourism.
(iv) constructing more bed and breakfast homes. - What steps have been taken by ASI to promote Delhi as a heritage site?
(i) making brochures very informative and training the residents.
(ii) bringing out more brochures and involving other agencies in planning and visitor management.
(iii) offering tourists all sources of comfort for their stay and visits to historical sites.
(iv) providing owners of bed and breakfast homes information about Delhi, Agra and Jaipur.
Class 9 WBBSE– Passage 9
I became overwhelmed with unnecessary advice. Well-intentioned but ignorant friends pour their opinions into reluctant ears. Most of them said I couldn’t live without meat in a cold climate. I will catch consumption. Mr. Z went to England and caught him in his stupidity. Others said that I can do without meat, but I cannot do without alcohol. I will become numb from the cold.
One advised me to take eight bottles of whiskey as I would need them after leaving Aden. Another wanted me to smoke, because his friend was obliged to smoke in England. The doctors who went to England also told the same story. I replied that I would do my best to avoid all this, but if it seemed absolutely necessary I would not know what to do.
I may mention here that my aversion to meat was not as intense then as it is now. I was even teased for eating meat about six or seven times during this period and I allowed my friends to think so about me. But my views started changing in the steamer.
I thought that I should not eat meat under any circumstances. My mother had made me promise not to eat meat before she agreed to my departure. Therefore, I was obliged not to take it, if only for the sake of the promise. The fellow passengers in the steamer started advising us (the friend who was with me and me) to try it.
—— MK Gandhi.
Questions and Answers – Passage 9
Write the correct option in your answer sheets
- Why did the narrator’s friends advise him to take meat?
(i) everyone in England ate meat
(ii) meat would cause consumption
(iii) meat-eating would keep him healthy
(iv) he would find it tasty - When was the narrator offered the advice?
(i) when he was leaving for England
(ii) when he was in Aden
(iii) when he had started eating meat
(iv) when he was on the steamer - The advice the narrator received from his friends was NOT…………………..
(i) well-meaning
(ii) uncalled for
(iii) sought after
(iv) given by friends - What does the term consumption here refer to?
(i) eat
(ii) give up
(iii) a disease
(iv) cold - The narrator was reluctant to eat flesh as ……………………….
(i) he had never eaten it before
(ii) he did not like the taste
(iii) it was not available on the steamer
(iv) he had promised his mother he would not do so
Class 9 ICSE – Passage 10
As if he was his own son, he was showering love and affection on him. The Cratchit family, once struggling, is now thriving under Scrooge’s generosity.
As the years passed, Scrooge’s transformation was remarkable. He is known in the community for his acts of kindness, his unwavering support for Christmas, and his genuine care for his fellow humans. His wealth and success increased, but it was his changed heart that brought him the greatest satisfaction. He no longer hoarded his wealth, but instead used it to make a positive impact on those around him.
In the end, Scrooge’s life was a testament to the power of redemption and the joy of giving. He learned that true wealth lies not in material possessions, but in
Questions and Answers – Passage 10
- What did Scrooge learn about true wealth through his transformation?
Ans: Scrooge learned that true wealth lies not in material possessions, but in the joy of giving and making a positive impact on those around him. - How did the Cratchit family benefit from Scrooge’s benevolence?
Ans: Scrooge showered the Cratchit family with love and affection, and his acts of kindness helped them thrive instead of struggle. - What brought Scrooge the greatest fulfillment after his transformation?
Ans: Scrooge’s changed heart brought him the greatest fulfillment. He no longer hoarded his wealth, but instead used it to make a positive impact on those around him. - What was Scrooge’s life a testament to in the end?
Ans: Scrooge’s life was a testament to the power of redemption and the joy of giving. - How did Scrooge become known in the community after his transformation?
Ans: Scrooge became known in the community for his acts of kindness, his unwavering support for Christmas, and his genuine care for his fellow human beings.
Class 9 MCQ – Passage 11
In these tough times, when buying simple food can burn a hole in our pockets, here comes a news that can really help us save some money the next time we go shopping. According to a Stanford University study, the first of its kind in the world, there is no evidence that expensive organic foods have greater nutritional benefits than foods grown by conventional methods.
Researchers say there is no difference in protein and fat content between organic and conventional milk and both types of milk have the same amount of vitamins. The only benefit is that organic foods are not contaminated with pesticides, but before you eat a bowl of organic bhindi with bread made from organic wheat, they are also not 100% pesticide free.
In India, organic food is growing at the rate of 20-22% and the export market is worth Rs 1 billion. Obviously, the study is not good news for the region and for people who are big on organic food.
In India, eating organic food is more of a style statement than a health concern because it is expensive. But those who can, consume not only organic vegetables, but also organic eggs laid by “happy chickens” who are allowed to roam freely, while “sad chickens” are allowed to roam free. Kept in a chicken coop.
Then some companies have installed music channels in their barns and milk from those barns is sold at a higher price because it has more nutritional value because the animals remain happy because of the melodious music 24/7 of the week. We haven’t yet heard of a farmer using music to improve the quality of his crops, but you never know: plants have been known to respond to music.
Why so picky about food? These days, the abundance of television shows and articles about food that we watch and read provide bread and butter for experts. But rather than tracking down food, its sources, and what went into growing it, isn’t it better to enjoy what’s on your plate?
Questions and Answers – Passage 11
- We can save some hard cash by _____________.
i. buying organic food
ii. not buying organic food
iii. going to the shop
iv. not buying food with pesticides - Music channels are installed in the cowsheds because the _____________.
i. cows give more milk
ii. milk is sold at a higher price
iii. milk becomes purer
iv. workers become happy - According to a Stanford University study, organic food in relation to conventional food is _____________.
i. less nutritious
ii. more nutritious
iii. very conventional
iv. as nutritious - The study will not be welcomed by _____________.
i. farmers of conventional food
ii. makers of pesticides
iii. all sectors
iv. exporters of organic food - One benefit of organic food is that _____________.
i. it is fashionable to eat
ii. only rich people can afford it
iii. it is less contaminated with pesticides
iv. even poor people can afford it - The word ‘contaminated‘ means _____________.
i. adulterated
ii. for adults
iii. containing
iv. not healthy - In the second paragraph, the author‘s attitude to the people who eat food sourced from ‘happy’ animals is that he _____________.
i. is happy with them
ii. is unhappy with them
iii. is laughing at them
iv. wants crops to be grown similarly
- Ans. not buying organic food
- Ans. milk becomes purer
- Ans. as nutritious
- Ans. exporters of organic food
- Ans. it is less contaminated with pesticides
- Ans. containing
- Ans. is laughing at them
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