Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1

Hello kids, we have English Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1 cool learning about nouns. Noun is an important step in developing language skills, as they are used in all forms of communication, whether be it written or oral. You will find it very helpful to read this.

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1

Pronouns in English are those words which we use in place of nouns in sentences. Pronouns help make our sentences shorter and more interesting. Instead of saying the same noun over and over again, we can use Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1 to talk about people, animals, things, and more.

In this worksheet we will learn about different types of pronouns and practice using them in sentences. This will help us become better at expressing ourselves clearly and interestingly. Let’s get started and have fun with Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1!

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1


Students learn the most commonly used pronouns. They practice identifying the pronoun in a sentence, generating pronouns that would make sense in a specific sentence and replacing nouns with pronouns.

Differentiating between Singular and Plural Personal Pronouns

After learning the basics and practicing it enough, the child should move on to the next level. In the following worksheets, the child will learn not only to identify personal pronouns but also to differentiate them based on whether they are plural or singular.

Singular pronouns are pronouns that are used in place of singular nouns in a sentence. Ex: Monika is cooking. He is a chef. Here “she” refers to only one person, i.e. Monica.

Plural pronouns are pronouns that are used to replace the plural form of a noun or to join together two or more singular nouns in a sentence. Ex: Diya and Maya are twin sisters. They were born just a few minutes apart. The “they” in the second sentence refers to the collection of both the people (nouns) mentioned in the first sentence.

Identifying Pronouns: These worksheets include a list of words and a question that asks students to choose which pronoun is which. It also includes exercises to identify and circle or underline pronouns in sentences.

Personal Pronouns: These worksheets can introduce the concept of personal pronouns. Children can be asked to identify personal pronouns such as “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we” and “they” and use them in sentences.

Pronoun Usage: These are worksheets that have sentences with missing pronouns, and ask children to fill in the missing pronouns. Some worksheets are picture-based, asking children to identify pronouns that can be used to describe the people or objects in the picture.

Pronouns Worksheets for First Grade

These worksheets introduce pronouns as words that can replace nouns in a sentence. Possessive and indefinite pronouns are also reviewed.

  • Pronoun Selection: Match the Pronoun to the Noun
  • Personal Pronouns: Use personal pronouns instead of nouns in a sentence.
  • Convert noun to pronoun: convert noun to pronoun from word bank
  • Possessive Pronouns: Use possessive pronouns (his, my, …) to complete sentences.
  • Indefinite Pronouns: Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns (anyone, any ….).

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 1 Questions

1. Use the Correct Pronoun for the Following Underlined Words

  1. The chair is brown. (It/He)
  2. My mother is a teacher. (She/He)
  3. The bell is ringing. (It/They)
  4. The three boys are flying kites. (They/It)
  5. The mobile is ringing. (It/They)
  6. Mohan and I are going to a birthday party. (They/We)
  7. Sarla likes to dance. (He/She)
  8. The lion is the king of the jungle. (He/It)
  9. The gentleman is my neighbour. (He/She)

2. Underline The Pronoun In The Following Sentences

  1. She put on a new frock.
  2. He gave me the books.
  3. I gave him a pair of shoes.
  4. It’s raining.
  5. We went to meet Rajat’s grandfather.

3. pronouns and write the correct form on the line provided. If the sentence is already correct, write C.

  • EXAMPLE 1. he The captain of the ship is him.
  • ___________ 1. The unknown caller may be he.
  • ___________ 2. In the book, the murderer was her.
  • ___________ 3. It was Anne and us who used the Sanchezes’ car.
  • ___________ 4. No, it was they who had that noisy party.
  • ___________ 5. The person in charge of mowing the lawn is me.
  • ___________ 6. The last one we thought of was him.
  • ___________ 7. If it is Murray and they, ask them to come in.
  • ___________ 8. The next time monitors are chosen, they might be us.
  • ___________ 9. Our only winner was him.
  • ___________10. If you were me, what would you do?

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 1 Solutions

1. Use the correct pronoun for the following underlined words.

  1. The chair is brown. (It/He)
    • It is brown. (It/He)
  2. My mother is a teacher. (She/He)
    • She is a teacher. (She/He)
  3. The bell is ringing. (It/They)
    • It is ringing. (It/They)
  4. The three boys are flying kites. (They/It)
    • They are flying kites. (They/It)
  5. The mobile is ringing. (It/They)
    • It is ringing. (It/They)
  6. Mohan and I are going to a birthday party. (They/We)
    • We are going to a birthday party. (They/We)
  7. Sarla likes to dance. (He/She)
    • She likes to dance. (He/She)
  8. The lion is the king of the jungle. (He/It)
    • It is the king of the jungle. (He/It)
  9. The gentleman is my neighbour. (He/She)
    • He is my neighbour. (He/She)

2. Underline the pronoun in the following sentences

  1. She put on a new frock.
  2. He gave me the books.
  3. I gave him a pair of shoes.
  4. It is raining.
  5. We went to meet Rajat’s grandfather

3. pronouns and write the correct form on the line provided. If the sentence is already correct, write C.

Answers :

  1. him
  2. C
  3. me
  4. them
  5. C
  6. C
  7. them
  8. it
  9. C
  10. I

*Read each sentence carefully and choose the correct pronoun to fill in the blank.

  1. Sarah is my friend. _____ likes to play with me.

a) She
b) He
c) It
Answer: a) She

  1. Tom has a pet dog. _____ name is Max.

a) His
b) Her
c) Its
Answer: a) His

  1. The cat is sleeping. _____ is very tired.

a) She
b) He
c) They
Answer: a) She

  1. Look at the birds! _____are flying in the sky.

a) She
b) He
c) They
Answer: c) They

  1. Tim and Amy are siblings. _____ are brother and sister.

a) He
b) She
c) They
Answer: c) They

  1. The book is on the table. _____ belongs to me.

a) He
b) She
c) It
Answer: c) It

  1. The flowers are beautiful. _____ have many colors.

a) He
b) She
c) They
Answer: c) They

  1. My teddy bear is soft. _____ is my favorite toy.

a) He
b) She
c) It
Answer: c) It

  1. The bicycle is red. _____ is fast.

a) He
b) She
c) It
Answer: c) It

  1. Jack and Jill went up the hill. _____ fetched a pail of water.

a) He
b) She
c) They
Answer: c) They

Replace the underlined words with a pronoun:

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1

1. Jane has a red bike. Jane likes to ride her bike.
Answer: Jane has a red bike. She likes to ride it.

2. The dog likes to play with the ball. The ball is his favorite toy.
Answer: The dog likes to play with the ball. It is his favorite toy.

3. The bird is singing a pretty song. The bird is sitting in the tree.
Answer: The bird is singing a pretty song. It is sitting in the tree.

4. My brother and sister are playing with the blocks. My brother and sister like to build towers.
Answer: My brother and sister are playing with the blocks. They like to build towers.

5. The flowers are pretty. The flowers smell nice.
Answer: The flowers are pretty. They smell nice.

Make sentences (6)

  1. a) I
  2. b) We
  3. c) You
  4. d) He
  5. e) It
  6. f) They

Answers :

  1. a) I – I love to travel.
  2. b) We – We go to school everyday.
  3. c) You – You are my best friend.
  4. d) He – He is a smart boy.
  5. e) It – This is a mango. It smells sweet.
  6. f) They – They are going to the market.

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1 pdf Download With Answers

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Hope this Pronoun Worksheet for Class 1 was helpful to you. This worksheet will give you knowledge about Noun. We are happy for being helpful to you. If you loved this post please do comment and tell us.

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