Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7

Hello kids, we have English Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7 cool learning about nouns. Noun is an important step in developing language skills, as they are used in all forms of communication, whether be it written or oral. You will find it very helpful to read this.

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 7

Pronouns in English are those words which we use in place of nouns in sentences. Pronouns help make our sentences shorter and more interesting. Instead of saying the same noun over and over again, we can use Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7 to talk about people, animals, things, and more.

In this worksheet we will learn about different types of pronouns and practice using them in sentences. This will help us become better at expressing ourselves clearly and interestingly. Let’s get started and have fun with Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7!

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 7

What is a pronoun? –

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.

  • Rohit has a balloon.
  • He has a balloon
  • Rohit has a balloon.
  • He has a balloon.

Examples – He, she, they, it, we, you, etc.

Types Of Pronouns

Similar to nouns, pronouns can be singular or plural, and they can either be the subject or the object too. Let us look into the different types of pronouns.

Pronouns Worksheets for 7 Grade

Emphasis Pronouns

A pronoun used to emphasize a noun is called an emphatic pronoun.

It is the same as reflexive pronouns, the only difference is, in Emphasis pronouns, we ask, whom?

Ourself, herself, himself, themselves are all used in emphasis pronouns.


  1. They themselves ain’t going to the party.
  2. She herself was not ready to shift to another country.
  3. We ourselves were leaving for work early today.
  4. He himself was ready to take the next job.
  5. Riya blamed herself for the mishappening.

Reflexive Pronoun

Reflexive pronouns are used when the object of the sentence is the same as the subject. They either end in -swayam in the singular form, or -swayam in the plural form.

  • Singular reflexive pronouns are: I, myself, himself, myself, themselves.
  • Plural reflexive pronouns include: themselves, themselves, yourselves.

Possessive Pronouns: When words like I, you, yourself, myself etc. are used to give emphasis then they are called possessive pronouns.


  • I have written this poem myself.
  • He himself accepted it.
  • This was announced by the principal himself.

It is usually placed immediately after the noun or pronoun they emphasize. Sometimes, they follow at a distance.


  • he said to himself.

Demonstrative pronouns are used to indicate a specific person, place, thing or idea. This/that/these/those are demonstrative pronouns.


  • Is this my chair
  • An interrogative pronoun introduces a question.


Who, what, when, etc. Example: Who was Graham Bell?

Possessive pronouns are used to talk about things related to people. The words mine, yours, his, hers, ours and theirs are possessive pronouns. We do not use literally with possessive pronouns.


  • This mobile is mine.
  • Have you lost yours, Pankaj?
  • This glass is mine and that is his.
  • Sarika’s cat is lost. is this cat his

Here is a table to help you remember which possessive pronouns to use with singular and plural pronouns.

Singular Personal PronounsPossessive Pronouns
I, meMine
He, himHis
She, herHers
Plural Personal PronounsPossessive Pronouns
We, usOurs
They, themTheirs

(1) Defining clauses: These provide information about a person/thing/animal in the form of an adjective. Without Defining Clauses the identity of a noun remains incomplete. Commas (,) are not used in Defining Clauses.

These provide restrictive meaning about the noun, like – My brother who lives in London visited us last week.

(Defining Clause)

Here ‘Defining Clause Who lives in London’ has been used.” Here the characteristic of My brother who lives in London is described. The meaning of the above sentence is that ‘My brother (who) lives in London came to our place last week.’ Thus the Defining Clause restricted the meaning of ‘My brother’.

(2) Non-defining Clauses: These do not provide limited information about their preceding noun. These provide continuous meaning about the noun. Non-defining clauses clauses are closed by commas (,), like My brother, who lives in London, visited us last week. (Non-defining clause) Due to the use of commas (,) here who lives in London is a non-defining clause. The meaning of this sentence would be ‘My (one) brother who lives in London came to our place last week.’ Hence, due to Non-defining Clauses, the meaning of My brother became Continuative rather than Restrictive. The difference between both the sentences was as follows

(1) According to the sentence with Defining Clause, ‘My brother lives in London.’ (Restrictive Meaning)
(2) According to Non-defining Clause, ‘One of my brothers lives in London and I also have other brothers.’ (Continuative Meaning)

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 7 Questions

1. See The Underlined Pronoun And State Its Kind

  1. Give her some apples, will you?
    a. Emphatic Pronoun
    b. Possessive Pronoun
    c. Personal Pronoun
    d. Reflexive Pronoun
  2. You yourself must learn the spellings
    a. Emphatic Pronoun
    b. Personal Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
    d. Possessive Pronoun
  3. We shall come to see you next week.
    a. Possessive Pronoun
    b. Personal Pronoun
    c. Possessive Pronoun
    d. Reflexive Pronoun
  4. That island is theirs: they visit is often.
    a. Possessive Pronoun
    b. Emphatic Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
    d. Personal Pronoun
  5. What is there in your bag?
    a. Demonstrative Pronoun.
    b. Interrogative Pronoun.
    c. Emphatic Pronoun.
    d. Personal Pronoun.
  6. Who will write this essay?
    a. Personal Pronoun
    b. Interrogative Pronoun
    c. Emphatic Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
  7. Such is the situation I do not know what to do.
    a. Personal Pronoun
    b. Reflexive Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
    d. Emphatic Pronoun
  8. Is this new car yours?
    a. Reflexive Pronoun
    b. Demonstrative Pronoun
    c. Possessive Pronoun
    d. Emphatic Pronoun
  9. The shahs themselves came and helped us.
    a. Reflexive Pronoun
    b. Demonstrative Pronoun
    c Possessive Pronoun
    d. Emphatic Pronoun
  10. They came and return the lost book themselves.
    a. Possessive Pronoun
    b. Reflexive Pronoun
    c. Personal Pronoun
    d. Demonstrative Pronoun

2. Underline the pronoun in the following sentences.

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 7
  1. He called his mother yesterday.
  2. She completed that task easily.
  3. She met me at the restaurant.
  4. They have done their duty.
  5. She is buying that dress for herself.
  6. Do you know who am I?
  7. They love each other a lot.
  8. I forgot my purse at school.
  9. He lost the keys I gave him.
  10. Every point has been discussed.

3. Read the following sentences and use the appropriate pronouns.

  1. The criminals ……. admitted their crime.
  2. This is the girl ……. identified the burglar.
  3. The book is Anne’s. It is ……. favourite book.
  4. While playing basketball, I hurt ……. .
  5. I bought ……. flowers for my anniversary.
  6. ……. of the witnesses were present in the court.
  7. I met Peter ……. just returned from Belgium.
  8. Raju set for ……., a target which was difficult to achieve.
  9. All the boys participated in the race and ……. one of them got a prize.
  10. The children locked ……. up in the cupboard while playing hide and seek.

4. Solve the following passage by highlighting the incorrect phrase and mentioning the correct phrase in the next column.

Paper were first made by the Egyptians_______________
From the plant names papyrus. For _______________
the long time, papyrus was used extensively_______________
as writing material before a Chinese_______________
perfected the processes. Demand of paper_______________
growing with the advent of books worldwide. _______________

5. There are two blanks in each of the following examples. Four pair of options have been provided in each example. Pick the correct pair to form meaningful sentences.

  1.  …………. brain, sometimes doesn’t follow …………….. orders.
     My/my          (b) l/my
    (c) My/mine       (d) My/me
  2.  I don’t know ……… name but I know ………….
     your/her                    (b) her/your
    (c) yourself/himself      (d) your/hers
  3.  Why doesn’t ………… take .…………. medicine on time?
     you/your           (b) she/her
    (c) they/their         (d) he/him
  4. God helps ………….. who helps ………….
    (b) we/ourselves
    (c) them/themselves
    (d) him/himself
  5.  Anurag …………. participates in the games though ………….. coaches junior players too.
     him/he          (b) his/himself
    (c) himself/he   (d) himself/him

6. How do you behave with your classmates? Write about your attitude and behaviour in the appropriate column:

(Some actions: Ask others for help, Refuse help, Judge others by their appearance, Judge others by their accent)


7. Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns given in the bracket :

  1. I mean ………….. (that/which/what) I say.
  2. This is the best book ……………. (that/which/whose) I’ve ever loved.
  3. Mrs Richa ………… (that/who/whom) is a taxi driver, lives in a village.
  4. The building ……………… (where/that/who) I live in was built in the 1920 s.
  5. The hotel ……………….. (that/ which/where) we stayed in was very good for the price.
  6. Thank you very much for your e-mail …………(that/who/when) was very interesting.
  7. The man …………….. (whose/which/that) father is a professor forgot his umbrella.
  8. The children ……………. (whom/who/that) shouted in the street are not from our school.
  9. That’s Peter, the boy …………… (who/which/whom) has just arrived at the airport.
  10. Do you remember the name of the man ………. (whom/whose/that) car you crashed into ?

8. Match the meanings.

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. fortea. to arrange oneself comfortably in a new place
2. beliedb. to transfer
3. befriendedc. to express contempt
4. settling ind. fail to give a true impression of something
5. sniffede. intolerable
6. insufferablef. become a friend when in need of help
g. something one is good at

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 7 Solutions

1. See The Underlined Pronoun And State Its Kind.

  1. Give her some apples, will you?
    a. Emphatic Pronoun
    b. Possessive Pronoun
    c. Personal Pronoun
    d. Reflexive Pronoun
  2. You yourself must learn the spellings
    a. Emphatic Pronoun

    b. Personal Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
    d. Possessive Pronoun
  3. We shall come to see you next week.
    a. Possessive Pronoun
    b. Personal Pronoun
    c. Possessive Pronoun
    d. Reflexive Pronoun
  4. That island is theirs: they visit is often.
    a. Possessive Pronoun

    b. Emphatic Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
    d. Personal Pronoun
  5. What is there in your bag?
    a. Demonstrative Pronoun.
    b. Interrogative Pronoun.
    c. Emphatic Pronoun.
    d. Personal Pronoun.
  6. Who will write this essay?
    a. Personal Pronoun
    b. Interrogative Pronoun
    c. Emphatic Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
  7. Such is the situation I do not know what to do.
    a. Personal Pronoun
    b. Reflexive Pronoun
    c. Demonstrative Pronoun
    d. Emphatic Pronoun
  8. Is this new car yours?
    a. Reflexive Pronoun
    b. Demonstrative Pronoun
    c. Possessive Pronoun
    d. Emphatic Pronoun
  9. The shahs themselves came and helped us.
    a. Reflexive Pronoun
    b. Demonstrative Pronoun
    c Possessive Pronoun
    d. Emphatic Pronoun
  10. They came and return the lost book themselves.
    a. Possessive Pronoun
    b. Reflexive Pronoun
    c. Personal Pronoun
    d. Demonstrative Pronoun

2. Underline the pronoun in the following sentences.

  1. His – personal pronoun
  2. That – demonstrative pronoun
  3. She – personal pronoun
  4. They, their – personal pronoun
  5. Herself – reflexive pronoun
  6. Who – interrogative pronoun
  7. Each other – reciprocal pronoun
  8. I – personal pronoun
  9. Him – personal pronoun
  10. Every – Distributive
Pronoun Worksheet For Class 7

3. Read the following sentences and use the appropriate pronouns.

  1. The criminals Themselves admitted their crime.
  2. This is the girl Who identified the burglar.
  3. The book is Anne’s. It is Her favourite book.
  4. While playing basketball, I hurt Myself.
  5. I bought These flowers for my anniversary.
  6. None of the witnesses were present in the court.
  7. I met Peter Who just returned from Belgium.
  8. Raju set for Himself, a target which was difficult to achieve.
  9. All the boys participated in the race and Each one of them got a prize.
  10. The children locked Themselves up in the cupboard while playing hide and seek.

Pronouns Worksheets for 4

4. Solve the following passage by highlighting the incorrect phrase and mentioning the correct phrase in the next column.

Paper were first made by the EgyptiansWereWas
From the plant names papyrus. For NamesNamed
the long time, papyrus was used extensivelyTheA
as writing material before a ChineseAThe
perfected the processes. Demand of paperprocessesProcess
growing with the advent of books worldwide. GrowingGrew

5. There are two blanks in each of the following examples. Four pair of options have been provided in each example. Pick the correct pair to form meaningful sentences.

  1.  My brain, sometimes doesn’t follow My. orders.
    (a) My/my           (b) l/my
    (c) My/mine        (d) My/me
  2.  I don’t know your name but I know hers
    (a) your/her                     (b) her/your
    (c) yourself/himself       (d) your/hers
  3.  Why doesn’t she take her medicine on time?
    (a) you/your            (b) she/her
    (c) they/their          (d) he/him
  4. God helps him who helps himself
    (b) we/ourselves
    (c) them/themselves
    (d) him/himself
  5.  Anurag himself participates in the games though he coaches junior players too.
    (a) him/he         (b) his/himself
    (c) himself/he    (d) himself/him

6. How do you behave with your classmates? Write about your attitude and behaviour in the appropriate column:

(Some actions: Ask others for help, Refuse help, Judge others by their appearance, Judge others by their accent)

I help others.I am sometimes grumpy towards my friends.I am never judgemental.
I share my tiffin with my friends.I enquire about the health of a sick classmate.I never use harsh words.
I always respect others.I sometimes visit NGO’s to volunteer.I never misbehave in class.

7Fill in the blanks with suitable Relative Pronouns given in the bracket :

  1. I mean what (that/which/what) I say.
  2. This is the best book that (that/which/whose) I’ve ever loved.
  3. Mrs Richa who (that/who/whom) is a taxi driver, lives in a village.
  4. The building that (where/that/who) I live in was built in the 1920 s.
  5. The hotel where (that/ which/where) we stayed in was very good for the price.
  6. Thank you very much for your e-mail that that/who/when) was very interesting.
  7. The man whose (whose/which/that) father is a professor forgot his umbrella.
  8. The children who (whom/who/that) shouted in the street are not from our school.
  9. That’s Peter, the boy who (who/which/whom) has just arrived at the airport.
  10. Do you remember the name of the man whose (whom/whose/that) car you crashed into ?

8. Match the meanings.

Column ‘A’Column ‘B’
1. forteg. something one is good at
2. beliedd. fail to give a true impression of something
3. befriendedf. become a friend when in need of help
4. settling ina. to arrange oneself comfortably in a new place
5. sniffedc. to express contempt
6. insufferablee. intolerable

English Pronouns Worksheet

Rewrite the following sentences replacing all the nouns (personal) with suitable pronouns.

  1. Why don’t people understand this?
  2. The old man took the boy in his arms.
  3. Plato was the greatest disciple of Socrates.
  4. The man gave some instructions to the woman.
  5. Shourya tried to recollect the girl’s name.


  1. Why don’t they understand this?
  2. He took him in his arms.
  3. He was the greatest disciple of his.
  4. He gave some instructions to her.
  5. He tried to recollect her name.

Rewrite the following sentences using possessive pronouns:

a) The cat chased the mouse. The mouse’s tail was long.
b) The girls found the lost puppy. The puppy’s name is Max.
c) The students are doing their homework. The students’ teacher is Mr. Smith.


a) The cat chased its tail was long.
b) The girls found the lost puppy. Its name is Max.
c) The students are doing their homework. Their teacher is Mr. Smith.

Choose the correct Pronoun.

Q1. (She/he) is Ritu (her/my/she) is (her/my) cousin.
She is Ritu she is my cousin.

Q2. My brother loves dancing. (He/She) is a good dancer.
 My brother loves dancing. He is a good dancer.

Q3. Sahil got (everything, all) she liked at the trade fair.
A3. Sahil everything she liked at the trade fair.

Q4. Rita says that (he/she/it) likes to eat apples.
 Rita says that she likes to eat apples.

Q5. (They/he) went to their relative’s place on Sunday.
 They went to their relative’s place on Sunday.

Q6. John finished writing the letter (himself/themself).
John finished writing the letter himself.

Choose the correct form of pronoun; from among the four options given before each example; to fill in the blanks.

  1. Most of the politicians work for …………… own selfish interests.
    (a) her (b) their
    (c) his (d) themselves
  2. Do you know ………… name?
    (a) him (b) his
    (c) himself (d) her
  3. The boy ………….. you were waiting for is here.
    (a) him (b) who
    (c) his (d) whom
  4. You should respect ………….. job and take pride in doing it.
    (a) his (b) her
    (c) our (d) your
  5. India is proud of ………….. great, rich culture.
    (a) him (b) its
    (c) itself (d) their
  6. ………….. aim is to eradicate corruption from the world.
    (a) I (b) Mine
    (c) Our (d) Theirs
  7. They will find out their way by …………..
    (a) you (b) them
    (c) himself (d) themselves
  8. Angiosperms are the plants ………….. bear flowers and produce fruits.
    (a) which (b) who
    (c) whose (d) whom
  9. He knows ………….. duties as well as rights very well.
    (a) him (b) theirs
    (c) his (d) himself
  10. We must value …………. great heritage.
    (a) our (b) ourselves
    (c) us (d) ourself


  1. (b) their
  2. (b) his
  3. (d) whom
  4. (d) your
  5. (b) its
  6. (c) Our
  7. (d) themselves
  8. (a) which
  9. (c) his
  10. (a) our

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7 pdf Download With Answers

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Also Read:-

Hope this Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7 was helpful to you. This worksheet will give you knowledge about Noun. We are happy for being helpful to you. If you loved this post please do comment and tell us.

FAQ on Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7

Q1: What is a Pronoun Worksheet for Class 7?

A1: A pronouns worksheet for grade 7 is an educational tool designed to help seventh grade students practice and master the use of pronouns in sentences.

Q2: Why is pronouns worksheet important for class 7 students?

A2: Pronouns worksheets are essential for grade 7 students because they reinforce proper use of pronouns, enhance their grammar skills and improve their writing and communication abilities.

Q3: What types of pronouns are usually included in Class 7 worksheets?

A3: Grade 7 pronouns worksheets cover different pronoun categories, including personal pronouns (e.g., he, she, they), possessive pronouns (e.g., his, her, theirs), relative pronouns (e.g., who, which, she). , and interrogative pronouns. Pronouns (eg, who, whose, whose).

Q4: Are there online resources for pronouns worksheets for class 7?

A4: Yes, many educational websites and platforms provide printable and online pronoun worksheets specially designed for Class 7 students, helping them effectively reinforce their grammar skills.

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