Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8

Hello kids, we have English Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8 cool learning about nouns. Noun is an important step in developing language skills, as they are used in all forms of communication, whether be it written or oral. You will find it very helpful to read this.

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 8

Pronouns in English are those words which we use in place of nouns in sentences. Pronouns help make our sentences shorter and more interesting. Instead of saying the same noun over and over again, we can use Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8 to talk about people, animals, things, and more.

In this worksheet we will learn about different types of pronouns and practice using them in sentences. This will help us become better at expressing ourselves clearly and interestingly. Let’s get started and have fun with Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8!

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 8

What is a pronoun?

A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun.

  • Rohit has a balloon.
  • He has a balloon
  • Rohit has a balloon.
  • He has a balloon.

Examples – He, she, they, it, we, you, etc.

Types Of Pronouns

Similar to nouns, pronouns can be singular or plural, and they can either be the subject or the object too. Let us look into the different types of pronouns.

Pronouns Worksheets for 8 Grade

  1. First person pronoun

First-person pronouns refer to the person speaking or writing. This includes: I, me, my, we, our, us etc.

  1. I am writing this note.
  2. The dogs were running behind us.
  3. We are Indians.
  4. Second masculine pronoun

The second person pronoun refers to the person spoken to. This includes: You.
You are used in both singular and plural forms.

  1. You are writing this note.
  2. The dogs were running behind you.
  3. You are an Indian.
  4. Third person pronoun

The third person pronoun refers to the person being talked about. These include: he, she, it, his, it, they and they. Only the third person pronoun has three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter).

  1. He is writing this note.
  2. The dogs were running behind them.
  3. They are Indian.
IIYouYouYourYourself/you rselves

Demonstrative Pronoun

Demonstrative pronouns are used to refer to an object or objects. Demonstrative pronouns are classified on the basis of distance or time. (near and far)



  1. This tastes good.
  2. Have you ever heard about this?
  3. That is beautiful!
  4. Have you seen that?

Interrogative Pronouns

Definition: The interrogative pronoun maybe is a pronoun that is used to ask an issue or question.

What, which, which, whose are interrogative pronouns. He just has a personal form. They do not differentiate between singular and plural. Interrogative pronouns form answers to questions that ask for more than a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer.

Interrogative Pronouns Examples:

  1. Who is likes to participate in college functions?
  2. Which is the better resort to stay in the summer?
  3. What do you like about this dress?
  4. Whose father is in the army?
  5. To whom you will share your lunch?

Indefinite and Distributive Pronouns

Definition: These are pronouns that do not refer to a specific person or thing.

Indefinite pronouns are words like: OneNoneNothingNobodyAllFewSomeManyAnybody, and Everybody.

They are commonly used.

Distributive pronouns also do not specify persons or things, but they are always singular, referring to one thing at a time.

EachEitherNeither words are distributive pronoun.

5 Indefinite and Distributive Pronouns Examples:

  1. I’m hungry but  I have nothing to eat for dinner.
  2. Someone called you in the morning.
  3. I have learned everything for the exam.
  4. We may take either of these two dresses.
  5. Each of these children deserved a prize.

(a) we can say-

Sheela is absent because Sheela is ill.
But it is better to avoid repetition of the noun Sheela and say that Sheela is absent because she is ill.

Definition: The word which is used in place of a noun is called a pronoun.

(The word ‘pronoun’ means ‘for a noun’.)

(b) If the number of the noun is singular, the persons of the male gender are called ‘that’. His. His, himself. Persons of the female gender take, ‘that. Him, her, myself. Inanimate objects are referred to by ‘this, that and themselves’.

(c) If the number of the noun is plural, persons and inanimate things of any gender are referred to by ‘they, them, theirs, theirs’.

(d) An animal is usually referred to by the neuter ‘it’, even when the noun indicates only one gender.

  • I saw the cow grazing peacefully.

However, if there is something in the situation that draws attention to the gender of the animal, ‘he’ or ‘she’ can be used.

  • There is a cow with her calf.

He, she, etc. can be used for animals that appear as characters in a story or for animals that are understood to be members of a family.

  • There is a monkey in our house.
  • have you seen him?

(e) ‘His’, ‘His’ and other words made from these are called possessive adjectives. They must agree in gender with the words they refer to. The gender of these possessive adjectives has nothing to do with the nouns they follow:

  • Ram gave a gift to his mother. (not his mother)
  • Sita gave gifts to her brother as well as sister. (Not his brother or his sister) The bicycle was returned to its owner. (not its owner)

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 8 Questions

1. Some determiners have been given in the first column. Write two nouns along with the determiners in the blank columns. One example has been given for each.

allall schools
anyany person
anotheranother man
everyevery moment
moremore advice
mostmost women
muchmuch money
twentytwenty books

2. In the following sentences use pronouns in place of noun wherever you can.

  1. Rama had taken Rama’s watch out of his pocket and was looking at the watch uneasily, shaking the watch every now and then, and holding the watch to his car.
  2. Lata found Lata’s books torn by Lata’s brother..
  3. Atul loved Sandeep’s sweater and asked Sandeep from where Sandeep had bought the sweater.
  4. John gave John’s pen to James and James lent the pen to John to write John’s copy with the pen.
  5. Sita informed Rama that Rama’cab was late in arriving and therefore Rama might go home with Sita.

3. Rearrange the following into meaningful sentence :

  1. his / the manager / into / visitors / the / office / called.
  2. Ram / his / her /seaside / in the hope / will improve / health / has taken / wife / to the / that / it
  3. examination / he / is very proud / her / his / daughter’s success / in / of
  4. he spent / on a birthday present for / his / sister / all / pocket money / his
  5. no one likes / to be doubted / word / his
  6. Mary / brother / and / have / gone / her / to visit / aunt / their

4. Read the short paragraph. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.

Lina, Mary, Tia and Arpita are in ………………. beautiful city in Karnataka. ……………… city is called Shimoga. They plan to take ………………. taxi from ………………. city to visit ………………. Jog Falls. On their way they will spend ……………… afternoon at a place called Tyavarekoppa.

Their tour guide tells them, “It is …………….. ideal place for …………….. Safari through ……………. forest. We can spot lions, tigers, cheetahs, blackbucks, etc. My brother is ……………… official with the forest department there. He has arranged for ……………… forest official to be with you to make sure you are safe.’.

5. Choose The Correct Interrogative Pronoun (In Bold) To Complete Each Question.

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 8
  1. What / Which color do you prefer?
    a) What b) Which
  2. Whose / Which book are you reading?
    a) Whose b) Which
  3. Who / Whom did you invite to the party?
    a) Who b) Whom
  4. Which / Whom did you meet at the conference?
    a) Which b) Whom
  5. What / Who did you buy those shoes from?
    a) What b) Who

6. Choose the correct pronoun for each sentence:

  1. Her nursery settled just opposite to ………. . (me/ mine)
  2. ………. was nice to meet you after a long time. (this/it)
  3. Did she know ………. ? (we/us)
  4. Yesterday, my mom and ………. went for coffee. (I/me)
  5. In the class, the teacher thought it was ………. . (he/him)
  6. Afrin and I will wait for ………. (no people/none )
  7. Seema told me about the syllabus ………. I wrote down on the front page. (when/which)
  8. ………. Ammy nor I knew about this accident. (neither/each)
  9. I made maths project ………. . (yourselves/myself)
  10. A woman has two kids ………. all go for a morning walk. (it/they)

7. Choose the correct answer :

1. He slipped from the table and went to ……….. father’s bedside.
(a) him
(b) his
(c) her
(d) them

2. ………. eyes were open and clear.
(a) Them
(b) It
(c) His
(d) Mine

3. He can ride back with ………
(a) mine
(b) my
(c) me
(d) his

4. He wondered for an instant if he had mistaken ……….. direction.
(a) he
(b) me
(c) you
(d) his

5. He was light-headed with ……….. joy.
(a) she
(b) him
(c) his
(d) it

6. He dipped ……….. fingers again as the fawn sucked.
(a) him
(b) mine
(c) his
(d) she

7. I knew that ……….. journey was over.
(a) my
(b) mine
(c) me
(d) him

8. They had only to lift ………….. eyes.
(a) them
(b) their
(c) you
(d) me

9. When she ……… was younger than little Emest.
(a) herself
(b) myself
(c) ourselves
(d) yourself

10. And Ernest never forgot the story that ……….. mother told him.
(a) his
(b) yours
(c) mine
(d) she

8. Read the following passage. One article has been omitted in each line. Insert a slash (/) where the article must be inserted and write the article in the blank provided. The first one has been done as an example.

  1. It is said that / man who 1. ………………………………………..
  2. is honest always speaks the truth. 2. ………………………………………..
  3. Take the example of great king 3. ………………………………………..
  4. Harishchandra. He was not just king, 4. ………………………………………..
  5. he was also an honourable man who 5. ………………………………………..
  6. always spoke the truth. 6. ………………………………………..
  7. It is said that king 7. ………………………………………..
  8. lived a life of penury. 8. ………………………………………..
  9. But there was not even trace of regret in him. 9. ………………………………………..

9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate question words.

  1. ………………………………. rice should we cook?
  2. ………………………………. bag is that pink one?
  3. ………………………………. milk do you drink a day?
  4. ………………………………. ice cream do you like better-chocolate or vanilla?
  5. ………………………………. book are you reading now?
  6. ……………………………… chapattis did you have for lunch?
  7. ………………………………. party won the Indian parliamentary elections in 1989?
  8. ………………………………. baskets of mangoes did you collect from the grove?
  9. ………………………………. filling do you want in your sandwich?
  10. ……………………………….country does the tennis star Roger Federer play for?

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 5

Pronoun Worksheet For Class 8 Solutions

1. Some determiners have been given in the first column. Write two nouns along with the determiners in the blank columns. One example has been given for each.

allall schoolsall playersall houses
anyany personany streetany magician
anotheranother mananother messageanother chance
everyevery momentevery dayevery solution
moremore advicemore sugarmore events
mostmost womenmost tenantsmost Saturdays
muchmuch moneymuch commotionmuch awareness
twentytwenty bookstwenty chairstwenty purses

2. In the following sentences use pronouns in place of noun wherever you can.

  1. Rama had taken his watch out of his pocket and was looking at it uneasily, shaking it every now and then, and holding it to his car.
  2. Lata found her books torn by her brother.
  3. Atul loved Sandeep’s sweater and asked him from where he had bought it.
  4. John gave his pen to James and James lent it to John to write her copy with the pen.
  5. Sita informed Rama that her cab was late in arriving and therefore she might go home with her.

3. Rearrange the following into meaningful sentence:

  1. The manager called the visitors into his office.
  2. Ram has taken his wife to the seaside in the hope that it will improve her health.
  3. He is very proud of his daughter’s Success in her examination.
  4. He spent all his pocket money for a birthday present for his sister.
  5. No one likes his word to be doubted.
  6. Mary and her brother have gone to visit their aunt.

4. Read the short paragraph. Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.

Lina, Mary, Tia and Arpita are in a beautiful city in Karnataka. The city is called Shimoga. They plan to take taxi from the city to visit the Jog Falls. On their way they will spend an afternoon at a place called Tyavarekoppa.

Their tour guide tells them, ‘It is an ideal place for a safari through die forest. We can spot lions, tigers, cheetahs, blackbucks, etc. My brother is an official with the forest department there. He has arranged for a forest official to be with you to make sure you are safe.’

5. Choose The Correct Interrogative Pronoun (In Bold) To Complete Each Question.

  1. What/Which color do you prefer?
    Answer: Which
    Explanation: “Which” is used to ask for a specific choice from a set of options. In this case, it refers to a specific color choice.
  2. Whose/Which book are you reading?
    Answer: Whose
    Explanation: “Whose” is used to inquire about ownership. It asks about the person who possesses the book.
  3. Who/Whom did you invite to the party?
    Answer: Who
    Explanation: “Who” is used when it acts as the subject of the verb “did you invite.” It refers to the person performing the action of inviting.
  4. Which/Whom did you meet at the conference?
    Answer: Whom
    Explanation: “Whom” is used as the object of the verb “did you meet.” It refers to the person being met at the conference.
  5. What/Who did you buy those shoes from?
    Answer: Who
    Explanation: “Who” is used as the object of the verb “did you buy.” It refers to the person from whom the shoes were bought.
Pronoun Worksheet For Class 8

6. Choose the correct pronoun for each sentence:

  1. Her nursery settled just opposite to Mine. (me/ mine)
  2. It was nice to meet you after a long time. (this/it)
  3. Did she know Us ? (we/us)
  4. Yesterday, my mom and I went for coffee. (I/me)
  5. In the class, the teacher thought it was Him. (he/him)
  6. Afrin and I will wait for None (no people/none )
  7. Seema told me about the syllabus Which I wrote down on the front page. (when/which)
  8. Neither Ammy nor I knew about this accident. (neither/each)
  9. I made maths project Myself. (yourselves/myself)
  10. A woman has two kids They all go for a morning walk. (it/they)

7. Choose the correct answer:

1. He slipped from the table and went to his father’s bedside.
(a) him
(b) his
(c) her
(d) them

Answer: (b) his

2. His eyes were open and clear.
(a) Them
(b) It
(c) His
(d) Mine

Answer: (c) His

3. He can ride back with me .
(a) mine
(b) my
(c) me
(d) his

Answer: (c) me

4. He wondered for an instant if he had mistaken his direction.
(a) he
(b) me
(c) you
(d) his

Answer: (d) his

5. He was light-headed with his joy.
(a) she
(b) him
(c) his
(d) it

Answer: (c) his

6. He dipped his fingers again as the fawn sucked.
(a) him
(b) mine
(c) his (d) she

Answer: (c) his

7. I knew that my journey was over.
(a) my
(b) mine
(c) me
(d) him

Answer: (a) my

8. They had only to lift their eyes.
(a) them
(b) their
(c) you
(d) me

Answer: (b) their

9. When she myself was younger than little Emest.
(a) herself
(b) myself
(c) ourselves
(d) yourself

Answer: (b) myself

10. And Ernest never forgot the story that yours mother told him.
(a) his
(b) yours
(c) mine
(d) she

Answer: (b) yours

8. Read the following passage. One article has been omitted in each line. Insert a slash (/) where the article must be inserted and write the article in the blank provided. The first one has been done as an example.

  1. always spoke the truth. 6. die
  2. It is said that king 7. die
  3. lived a life of penury. 8. a
  4. It is said that / man who 1. a
  5. is honest always speaks the truth. 2. the
  6. Take the example of great king 3. the
  7. But there was not even trace of regret in him. 9. a
  8. Harishchandra. He was not just king, 4. a
  9. he was also an honourable man who 5. an

9. Fill in the blanks with appropriate question words.

  1. What ice cream do you like better: chocolate or vanilla?
  2. Which book are you reading now?
  3. How many chapattis did you have for lunch?
  4. What filling do you want in your sandwich?
  5. Which country does the tennis star Roger Federer play for?
  6. How much rice should we cook?
  7. Whose bag is that pink one?
  8. How much milk do you drink a day?
  9. Which party won the Indian parliamentary elections in 1989?
  10. How many baskets of mangoes did you collect from the grove?

English Pronouns Worksheet

Read the short messages given below. Expand them into complete sentences, using appropriate determiners. Some blanks have been filled for you.

1. Interview postponed.
New date not finalized yet. The interview for selection to the Officer category has been postponed. The new date for ………………………………. interview has not yet been finalized.

Interview postponed.
New date not finalized yet. The interview for selection to the Officer category has been postponed. The new date for the interview has not yet been finalized.

2. Congratulations!
I congratulate you on ………………………………. achievement.

I congratulate you on the achievement.

3. Exam starts on Monday. Five Admit Cards missing. Send immediately.
………………………………. board examinations for Class X are scheduled to start on Monday.
………………………………. admit cards of five of ………………………………. students are missing. Please send ………………………………. admit cards immediately.

Exam starts on Monday. Five Admit Cards missing. Send immediately.
The board examinations for Class X are scheduled to start on Monday. The admit cards of five of the students are missing. Please send the admit cards immediately.

4. School bus out of service. Trip canceled. Refund advance payment.
Since ………………………………. school bus is out of service, we have to cancel ………………………………. trip to ………………………………. mountaineering camp ………………………………. advance payment you have made will be refunded.

School bus out of service. Trip cancelled. Refund advance payment.
Since the school bus is out of service, we have to cancel the trip to the mountaineering camp. The advance payment we have made must be refunded.

5. Shortage of essential medicines. Send immediately.
As there is ………………………………. shortage of essential medicines, please send them immediately to ………………………………. dispensary.

Shortage of essential medicines. Send immediately.
As there is a shortage of essential medicines, please send them immediately to the dispensary.

Identify the correct form of pronoun in the following sentences.

  1. She walked downstairs.
  2. The boy ate his dinner.
  3. Mia and Jones love each other.
  4. Many of them came, but few stayed long.
  5. Give everybody something to eat before they leave.
  6. What did you bring?
  7. Did they teach themselves how to speak French?
  8. After he cut himself, he went for a tetanus shot.
  9. All of those are expensive.
  10. I know the girl whose name is Jane.


  1. She (Personal)
  2. His (Pronominal possessive)
  3. Each other (Reciprocal)
  4. Many (Indefinite), them (Personal), few (Indefinite)
  5. Everybody, something (Indefinite), they (Personal)
  6. What (Interrogative), you (Personal)
  7. They (Personal), themselves (Reflexive)
  8. He (Personal), himself (Reflexive)
  9. All (Indefinite), those (Demonstrative)
  10. I (Personal), whose (Relative )

Fill in the blanks with some or any.

1. Neeru: Did you have ………………………………. trouble finding my house?
Pallavi: No, not at all.

Did you have any trouble finding my house?
Pallavi: No, not at all.

2. Amita: Do you have ………………………………. money on you, Tina?
Tina: I have ………………………………. money. What do you want to buy?
Amita: I want to buy ………………………………. souvenirs from that shop.
Tina: Here are ………………………………. coins. Will these be

 Do you have any money on you, Tina?
Tina: I have some money. What do you want to buy?
Amita: I want to buy some souvenirs from that-shop.
Tina: Here are some coins. Will these be enough?

Fill in the blanks with pronouns or possessives.

  1. Sita has returned the book which you lent ………
  2. These girls are very fond of ………… dog.
  3. You must write ………. letters carefully.
  4. The dog followed ………. master wherever he went.
  5. They have gone with ………… parents.


  1. her
  2. their
  3. your
  4. its
  5. their

Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8 pdf Download With Answers

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Also Read:-

Hope this Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8 was helpful to you. This worksheet will give you knowledge about Noun. We are happy for being helpful to you. If you loved this post please do comment and tell us.

FAQ on Pronoun Worksheet for Class 8

Q1: What is the pronouns worksheet for class 8?

A1: Pronouns Worksheets for Grade 8 is an educational resource designed to help eighth grade students practice and understand the use of pronouns in sentences.

Q2: Why is pronouns worksheet important for class 8 students?

A2: Pronouns worksheets are important for grade 8 students because they reinforce proper pronoun usage, enhance their grammar skills, and improve their writing and communication abilities.

Q3: What types of pronouns are usually included in Class 8 worksheets?

A3: Grade 8 pronoun worksheets often include different pronoun categories, including personal pronouns (e.g., he, she, they), possessive pronouns (e.g., his, her, theirs), reflexive pronouns (e.g., I, myself), Relatives are included. Pronouns (e.g., who, which, that), and demonstrative pronouns (e.g., this, she, these, those).

Question4: How do students complete pronouns worksheets for grade 8?

A4: Students usually complete worksheets by reading sentences and replacing nouns with appropriate pronouns, filling in the blanks with the correct pronouns, or identifying and classifying different types of pronouns within sentences.

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