A Rich Man and His Son story in English

Hello friends, we have written an English story for your entertainment, by reading which you will get good education and this story will help your children to read. It is our effort that you all liked our A Rich Man and His Son story.

A Rich Man and His Son story

A Rich Man and His Son story

A rich man’s son was graduating from college.

For several months, the son had been asking his father for a new car, not knowing that his father had more than enough money.

When graduation day arrived, the young man’s father called him into the study room. The father gives her a wrapped gift and congratulates her on her graduation and her achievement.

Disappointed, the son opened the gift and found a beautiful, leather-bound journal with the young man’s name emblazoned on its cover. He raised his voice in anger, threw down the magazine and walked out.

The young man had not seen his father since the day of graduation. He became successful and was wealthy with a beautiful home and family like his father. He realized that his father was getting old and perhaps it was time to leave the past behind.


Just then he got a message that his father had passed away and he would have to return home to take care of the estate.

As the bereaved son returned home with regret, he began searching through his father’s important papers and found the journal still as fresh as he had left it.

He opened it, and as he turned the pages, a car key fell out from behind the magazine.

The key had a dealer tag that read, “Paid in full. Wherever this car takes you, write about it to always remember you. Love, Dad.”

Moral story:- It doesn’t matter what you expect, be grateful for what you’ve been given. It can be more of a blessing than you think.

A Rich Man and His Son story with Pictures

A Rich Man and His Son story

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We hope you liked our English story. This story is not just for kids but for everyone, it’s really a very funny story, if you guys like this story of A Rich Man and His Son story, please tell us by commenting and share it with as many people as possible.

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